Search results

  1. Derf

    Theology Club: Open View and Preterism

    I'm not originally either Open Theistic or Preteristic, but as I've moved in the Open direction, I've also become more intrigued with preterism. I haven't settled on either yet (I'm more of a Open Open Theist, rather than a Settled Open Theist :)), but would appreciate some feedback from others...
  2. Derf

    Theology Club: What if God needed Adam to fall early on?

    I'm just trying to think this thing through. I'm inclined toward the open view of the future, but in some cases it tends to wrap back around toward something that looks Calvinistic. For example, Adam and Eve in the garden... Here's my scenario. God decides to create a being that can...
  3. Derf

    Intro to Derf

    I guess this is where we get to try out the posting tools before we lambast someone with it? Just kidding. Been reading the site for awhile, starting with one of the battle Royales (on Open Theism), but just decided to join. First impressions are that there are a lot of people here that...