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  1. chrysostom


    parenting this morning I saw a parenting discussion on tv they talked about how much time was too little and what was too much what they didn't talk about was the importance of just being there I once heard just showing up is 80% I think just being there is also is 80% what do you think?
  2. chrysostom

    insane libertarians

  3. chrysostom

    homosexual thread

    oh no not another homosexual thread but this one is different don't you want to know who keeps them going? well that is my job
  4. chrysostom

    it is noon somewhere

    no longer drinking coffee
  5. chrysostom

    free at last

    free at last The back alley is were unsanctioned, "no holds barred" battles take place. let's have a dialogue now that you have more time on your hands let's have a dialogue out in the open where everyone can participate if only to view let everyone view it
  6. chrysostom

    syria is a distraction

    syria is a distraction just vote present if asked about syria that is how obama voted when the life of a baby was at stake one that was born we should be talking about: abortion healthcare the national debt the lack of jobs the walmart strike don't get sucked into the syria debate
  7. chrysostom

    rep war 3

    rep war 3 it all started with something meshak said about her ignore list and I had reason to believe someone was giving me neg reps so I decided to take everyone off it all 68 of them it just takes one click and there he was lighthead I decided to strike back and soon he had help with...
  8. chrysostom


    program program get your program here you can't tell the players without a program agnostic atheist baptist calvinist catholic jehovah jew lutheran mad mormon muslim othodox pentecostal protestant unitarian confession of faith
  9. chrysostom

    good morning breakfast clubbers

    “Good morning Breakfast Clubbers, good morning to ya, we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya.” 1st call to breakfast for all of you out there America's favorite breakfast club is on the air
  10. chrysostom

    too big to ignore

    Emily Bazelon: New Texas abortion law too big for Supreme Court to ignore this is really exciting the democrats tried to block it but the republicans were able to pass this law that will significantly restrict abortion all because texans voted republican it will make it to the supreme...
  11. chrysostom

    out of town

    this is not another mean thread and I know that is what you are thinking but I have been out of town a lot lately and I just love to say out of town it is really a thread for zoo because he worries a lot when you are missing so this is where you let zoo and others know that you won't be around...
  12. chrysostom

    chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards

    chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards I hate homosexuals more than you do award for 2013 I hate evolutionists more than you do award for 2013 the blob award for 2013 wacko of the year 2013 whiner of the year 2013 meanest of the year 2013 the shill award of 2013 maddest of the year 2013...
  13. chrysostom

    Who Posted?

    Who Posted? noguru 621 alwight 292 Town Heretic 186 Wile E. Coyote 127 Angel4Truth 120 Thunder's Muse 119 Eeset 109 guess which thread this is
  14. chrysostom

    gather in His name

    -hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name -today is Sunday -we put away our differences -we give thanks -we give praise -we ask for forgiveness -we ask for guidance -we ask for help -we do it together -good night charity
  15. chrysostom

    Grosnick Marowbe 3

    yes this is a copy but most won't notice so don't talk about it this is designed to get around the stupid deal grosnick made he is 88 and may not know what he is doing and it is our job to protect him we will use this thread only until June 21 at which time we will go back to setting more...
  16. chrysostom

    Irenaeus and Victorinus

    here we have Irenaeus in the second century talking about "ancient copies" of Revelation and here we have Victorinus in the third century commenting on Revelation without mentioning any of the seven churches and we also have Eusebius in the fourth century mentioning some of the seven churches...
  17. chrysostom

    Where were the bishops?

    Happy to hear the bishops are objecting to the part of the health care plan that requires a one size fits all plan. It will force Catholic institutions to provide contraceptives that violate the teachings of the Catholic Church. We need the bishops to speak out on this but where they when all...
  18. chrysostom

    the end is near

    but it is still important that you vote the democrats are still killing babies and the only way to correct that is to vote republican
  19. chrysostom

    was, and is not, and yet is

    was, and is not, and yet is This is from chapter 17 verse 8 of the Apocalypse and it is very significant in that it ties together Satan of chapter 20, the dragon of chapter 12, the beasts of chapter 13, and the seven heads and ten horns of chapter 17. Revelation 17:8 (KJV) 8The beast that...
  20. chrysostom


    Recapitulation is a theory developed to improve our understanding of the Apocalypse. Victorinus of Pettau in the third century was the first to show the same events were being repeated in different visions. Therefore the sequence of chapters cannot be considered necessarily in chronological...