Search results

  1. Sherman

    Big-headed Snakes, Pirate Spiders, and Glow in the Dark Dolphins - Sept 29 2023

    Big-headed Snakes, Pirate Spiders, and Glow in the Dark Dolphins *Math in Nature: It turns out human cells exhibit a mathematical pattern also seen elsewhere in ecology. For more on math in nature see *Evolutionists' Admissions: For years evolutionists such as Richard Dawkins...
  2. Sherman

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt.12 - Sept 28 2023

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt.12 Hebrews: Many have been taught that the writer of this epistle addressed it to the Body of Christ, which of course, consists of some Jewish believers but mostly of Gentile Christians. In this verse-by-verse study, Bob Enyart takes the controversial stand that this is...
  3. Sherman

    Hear Will Duffy's Debate Opening Statement: "Is Open Theism Biblical?" - Sept 25 2023

    Hear Will Duffy's Debate Opening Statement: "Is Open Theism Biblical?" * Hear Will Duffy's Opening Statement: from... * Duffy Debates/Introduces Open Theism to a Novice Calvinist: This event provides an insight that many other debates cannot. Have you ever wondered about the average...
  4. Sherman

    Gopherwood, Dino Soft Tissue, & Paluxy with Dr. Carl Baugh Part II - Sept 22 2023

    Gopherwood, Dino Soft Tissue, & Paluxy with Dr. Carl Baugh Part II *Killing the Messenger: But not the message! Hear how Dr. Baugh and the Paluxy footprints have survived the slings and arrows of worldly fortune to remain in the battle at the Creation Evidence Museum of Texas in Glen Rose...
  5. Sherman

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt.11 - Sept 21 2023

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt.11 Hebrews: Many have been taught that the writer of this epistle addressed it to the Body of Christ, which of course, consists of some Jewish believers but mostly of Gentile Christians. In this verse-by-verse study, Bob Enyart takes the controversial stand that this is...
  6. Sherman

    Guilty Until Proven Innocent? | YouTube's Awful Response - Sept 20 2023

    Guilty Until Proven Innocent? | YouTube's Awful Response Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re talking about YouTube’s awful response to the Russell Brand allegations, what the Bible has to say, and how the right shouldn’t respond. HPT Conference 2023 Coming soon! 2023 (Sept. 21-23)...
  7. Sherman

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #6 - Sept 18 2023

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #6 Bob Enyart urges prayer for the public schools to not reopen on time for the next school year (or ever for that matter). And as programming notes, Bob mentions that producer Tim Mahoney may be on the show this week heading toward Friday's online premier...
  8. Sherman

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 8 - Sept 14 2023

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 8 Nehemiah: The Hebrew Scriptures, which are the original Old Testament, present Ezra and Nehemiah as only one book: Ezra. Why do the Christian editions of the Old Testament separate that book into Ezra and Nehemiah (which are otherwise identical to the Jewish text)? What...
  9. Sherman

    Gopherwood, Dino Soft Tissue, & Paluxy with Dr. Carl Baugh Part I Sep 15 2023

    Gopherwood, Dino Soft Tissue, & Paluxy with Dr. Carl Baugh Part I *Welcome Carl Baugh. Ph. D.:One in a long list of men who bought the truth and wouldn't sell it, and by well-doing put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. He's the Founder and Director of the Creation Evidence Museum of...
  10. Sherman

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #5 - Sept 12 2023

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #5 Yesterday's guest, Bevelyn of Chaz, was arrested again, this time for not wearing a mask, along with Edmee of Manhattan and Ken Scott of the Heavenlies. And Bob Enyart reports the important development that baby body parts are not being used in the $1.6...
  11. Sherman

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #4 - Sept 11 2023

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #4 Bob Enyart plugs tomorrow's interview with Bevelyn of Chaz, and our Pulitzer Prize for Fiction Russia collusion graphic (at, and reports on the efforts to tear down the pyramids and everything done in the name of
  12. Sherman

    CENSORED BY YOUTUBE: Should I Vaccinate my Baby? with Brian Lauer - Sept 8th

    CENSORED BY YOUTUBE: Should I Vaccinate my Baby? with Brian Lauer - This is the video that was censored by Youtube. Content on Friday's Broadcast. *The First Creationist Hydroplate Conference: September 21-23, 2023. Join Fred, Doug and an “A-List” of RSR favorites including Kevin Lea, Bryan...
  13. Sherman

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 7 - Sept 7 2023

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 7 Nehemiah: The Hebrew Scriptures, which are the original Old Testament, present Ezra and Nehemiah as only one book: Ezra. Why do the Christian editions of the Old Testament separate that book into Ezra and Nehemiah (which are otherwise identical to the Jewish text)? What...
  14. Sherman

    Is Lying Always Wrong? - Sept 6th 2023

    Is Lying Always Wrong? Click HERE to register for Thursday evening, Sept. 21 Click HERE to register for Friday, Sept. 22 Click HERE to register for Saturday, Sept. 23
  15. Sherman

    The Deception of the Media - Sept 5 2023

    The Deception of the Media Click HERE to register for Thursday evening, Sept. 21 Click HERE to register for Friday, Sept. 22 Click HERE to register for Saturday, Sept. 23
  16. Sherman

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #3 - Sept 4th

    Christian Reply to Euthyphro's Dilemma #3 Bob's Brief article at A Christian Answer to Euthyphro's Dilemma In a dialogue of Socrates with Euthyphro, a state's attorney heading to court in Athens to prosecute his own father, the Greek philosopher Plato reports an apparent dilemma for those who...
  17. Sherman

    Can someone believe in God but not attend church?

    A thorny question, but I want to hear what members think.
  18. Sherman

    Lon Passed away.

    It was announced on CF where he worked as a moderator. He was having health issues and they finally caught up with him. He passed away on March 17th.
  19. Sherman

    The Current UPDATED TOL Ten Commandments

    TOL is entering its 25th year. The following rules are the most current commandments for our forum. Follow these rules and you will be a happy camper here on TOL. Break these rules and you will likely be banned. Keep in mind TOL is a biased forum, leaning very far to the Christian right, and...
  20. Sherman

    Announcement - The Help Desk.

    This is where you take questions. No one can see your thread but you and the staff members. Even if you are banned you can still open a thread and communicate with staff. Hopefully, this can smooth some things over. We have decided to do this because emails have been getting lost. So if you...