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  1. Lighthouse

    Vatican Launching Europe's Personhood Petition Drive

    Vatican Launching Europe's Personhood Petition Drive This is the show from Tuesday, May 30th 2012 SUMMARY: * Bringing Europe Into the War: In our personhood war to end child killing, for Memorial Day 2012 Instead of Europe bringing America into the war as they did 70 years ago, this time...
  2. Lighthouse

    Why is KGOV down?

    It won't load. What's up?
  3. Lighthouse

    Lighthouse's SPOTD 1-23-11

  4. Lighthouse

    One on One: Lighthouse and andyc MAD v Pentecostal

    Are you ready Andy? Chickenman had some questions for you: Of course, I'm not sure his request would be an easy one to fulfill. I mean, can any of us really imagine being someone who had never heard of God at all. Can any of us remember back that far. Can we even recall a time before we...
  5. Lighthouse

    Age of the universe and Relativity of Time

  6. Lighthouse

    Greg Mitchell is at it again!

    For those of you who remember Joe Roberts, his real name is Greg Mitchell, and he's stalking me. He has attempted to befriend me on MySpace, Yahoo! Messenger and Facebook. He has done so several times on each, sometimes under new names. I have blocked him on the first two, and even reported...
  7. Lighthouse

    godrulz vs. Door

    William may have skill and education, but none of that matters when his opponent is smarter. dMZfdCkYPig
  8. Lighthouse

    Jesse Morrell & godrulz?

  9. Lighthouse

    Letsargue revealed

  10. Lighthouse

    Attn: godrulz, AMR and Sozo!

    To honor Newman's request, I am starting this thread to not distract from his thread. You're lying about what people believe. :bang: So a sin is forgiven as soon as you commit it? :sozo:What is your dysfunction?! Christ did not die to forgive specific sins! He dies to forgive sin, as a...
  11. Lighthouse

    Mock those who report posts that don't break the rules

    This thread is dedicated to :mock: those who report posts that don't break the rules
  12. Lighthouse

    Lighthouse's SPOTD 1/1/08

    This one goes to Delmar.:rotfl:
  13. Lighthouse

    Homos are not feminine!

    What is ladylike about anything they do? All I ever see is them being catty, whiny, irritable, obnoxious, prickly, temperamental, testy, touchy and cranky. Not to mention most of them are also all the other synonyms for a six letter word whose base is a five letter word. And those are certainly...
  14. Lighthouse

    Lighthouse's SPOTD 9-25-07
