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  1. drbrumley

    Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase

    Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture February 11, 2019 Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang – pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey. It’s the oil, stupid. But...
  2. drbrumley

    BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About

    Low-Cost Natural Remedies In The News By Bill Sardi February 11, 2019 :think:
  3. drbrumley

    The Libertarian Red Line

    On abortion By Bionic Mosquito February 9, 2019 Red Line: a limit past which safety can no longer be guaranteed. The subject of abortion has received some attention lately, what with laws in New York and Virginia and governors celebrating the furthering of liberty to murder human beings. It...
  4. drbrumley

    Telltale Signs

    Of recession. Article by Charles Hugh Smith. Though every recession is unique, all recessions manifest in similar ways in the real economy. By real economy, I mean the on-the-ground economy we observe with our own eyes, as opposed to the abstract statistical model reflected in official...
  5. drbrumley

    These Are Dangerous Times

    And the government is to blame, says John W. Whitehead. “As I look at America today, I am not afraid to say that I am afraid.”—Bertram Gross, Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America These are dangerous times. Mind you, when I say that these are dangerous times, it is not because of...
  6. drbrumley

    MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: What Would You Do To Balance The Federal Budget

    MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: If You Had All Power & Authority, What Would You Do To Balance The Federal Budget & Get America Out Of Debt? By Bill Sardi February 7, 2019 I’m going to put you at the “steering wheel” of the U.S economy. You will have opportunity to fix the financial mess the U.S. economy...
  7. drbrumley

    Abortion and the Right To Stay Alive

    Abortion and the Right To Stay Alive By Andrew P. Napolitano February 7, 2019 Much has been made lately of language in a recently enacted New York state statute that permits abortion up to the time of birth if necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother. New Jersey has had the same...
  8. drbrumley

    State of the Union

    State of the Union By James Howard Kunstler It’s conceivable, in a nation that absolutely can’t make sense of itself, that Mr. Trump’s annual report to congress will be as incomprehensible as this year’s Superbowl halftime show. Even the weather in Atlanta was a complete mystery with Maroon...
  9. drbrumley

    Are you willing to transfer the title?

    Are you willing to transfer the title? February 5, 2019 BIBLE MEDITATION: Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Matthew 16:24 DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: Very early in our marriage, Joyce and I got on our knees...
  10. drbrumley

    Sacrificing Northam Will Not Be Enough

    Tossing Out Ralph Won’t Be Enough Patrick J Buchanan on the American Kulturkampf. The Democratic Party may believe that by throwing Northam to the wolves it will satisfy these forces. It won’t. We are at the beginning of a Kulturkampf to purge America of all monuments and tributes to the white...
  11. drbrumley

    The 13th Amendment (The Slavery Commission)

    Doesn’t apply to American slave armies. And things are about to get worse. Article by Laurence M. Vance. The Thirteenth Amendment was passed by the Senate in April of 1864 and by the House in January of 1865. It was ratified by the necessary number of states in December of 1865. Although the...
  12. drbrumley

    Will you be found faithful?

    Will you be found faithful? February 4, 2019 BIBLE MEDITATION: …Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: I believe with all my heart that the call needs to go out more clearly today than ever before for Christians to keep the...
  13. drbrumley

    Why All Anti-Interventionists

    Will necessarily be smeared as Russian assets, says Caitlin Johnstone. When Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard announced her candidacy for the presidency on CNN last month, I had a feeling I’d be writing about her a fair bit. Not because I particularly want her to be president, but because I...
  14. drbrumley

    Bertrand Russell Diagnosed the Washington War Madness

    And the coming rape of Venezuela, says Martin Sieff. It is a scene depressingly familiar to inhabitants of Political Washington over the past 30 years since US armed invasion of small or vulnerable countries came back into fashion after being briefly discredited following the Vietnam War. This...
  15. drbrumley

    The Return of Book-Burning

    The Twittermob’s fury with un-woke novels has sinister echoes of the past, says Tim Dawson. The Book Community has jumped the shark. Who are the ‘Book Community’? Well, they’re the nebulous group of super-woke flakes who bullied young-adult (YA) fantasy author Amelie Wen Zhao into pulling the...
  16. drbrumley

    Bokhari: A Left-Wing Journalist Mafia

    Now Runs Silicon Valley The Internet once seemed poised to utterly destroy the establishment media. In an era where everyone with a phone and a social media account could reach an audience of millions, the need for professional journalists gatekeeping information seemed pointless. Yet...
  17. drbrumley

    Northam Tweets Video Apology For “Racist And Offensive” Photo

    Amid Growing Calls To Resign. "That photo and the racist offensive attitudes it represents does not reflect that person I am today, or the way I have conducted myself as a soldier, a doctor and a public servant. I am deeply sorry. I cannot change the decisions I've made, nor can I undo the...
  18. drbrumley

    The Coming US-China Proxy War In Venezuela

    The US is about to learn that the Chinese are serious about their money. China won't give up on embattled Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro anytime soon even as the US-led international noose of "delegitimizing" hangs around the socialist strongman, according to government statements released...
  19. drbrumley

    How To Dress for Court

    Roger Stone explains. The memory of Roger Stone's arraignment is still fresh, and the man himself is here to give you his tips for how to dress for YOUR day in court.
  20. drbrumley

    Murray N. Rothbard’s The Panic of 1819, Wth Patrick Newman

    A brilliant podcast. The panic of 1819 was America’s first great economic crisis. And this is Murray Rothbard’s masterful account, the first full scholarly book on the topic and still the most definitive. It was his dissertation, published in 1962 but nearly impossible to get until this new...