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    why the US should be tough on China- and why not

    China is a lousy communist dictatorship. The government suppresses free speech, spies on its own citizens, mistreats minorities, and let's just say that you'd rather not get caught up in their "justice" system. They've taken advantage of the West's hunger for cheap goods to build their economy...
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    The ten best things President Trump has done

    What do you think the top ten accomplishments of President Donald Trump are? This is mostly a question for Trump supporters, but even those who do not support him may find some things that they do agree with.
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    Denying Facts

    There is a plague (excuse the expression) of fact-denying. On many controversial topics, we find that people on one side or the other deny facts, as a means of argument. This is not limited to COVID discussions (more on this later). For example: Global warming. The Earth is in fact warming...
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    Chinese LEGO video poking fun at the US and it's president

    China releases clip mocking US response to Coronavirus outbreak using Lego models A video released by a Chinese state-run media outlet uses Legos to mock what it presents as a disastrous US response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak...
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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics- what is the Creationist explanation?

    As most of us are aware, many bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics. The usual scientific explanation is an evolutionary one, with selection being the driving force to improved survival (of the bacteria). How do Creationists explain this phenomenon? Yes, the selection here is...
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    Parallel thinking: Flat Earth and Young Earth Creationists

    Nearly everybody is happy to jump on the few flat-earthers that we have here (Dave is the prime example). Some of those who attack the FE idea are Young Earth Creationists, who somehow miss that they are behaving in similar way. For example, how to deal with facts. Let's say you present Dave...
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    Synagogue shooting and antisemitism

    In the context of the murders at a Pittsburgh synagogue a few days ago, I am wondering what TOL'ers think about antisemitism in the US. Do you think is is common? Is it different than other types of hate or general xenophobia? I am a little surprised that nobody mentioned this shooting here...
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    The Hebrew Calendar

    I’d like to clarify how the Hebrew calendar actually works, and how it changed over time. There are weekly Sabbaths, based on 6 day work, one day rest cycle. This is clearly stated in the Bible- even in the Ten Commandments. In addition, there are rest days when no work is to be done, on the...
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    What do Christians mean when they use these terms?

    These terms are often used here, but their exact meaning is rarely clear. I suspect that not all Christians are agreed on these either. Can you explain what is meant by: Person Godhead Justified Righteous Fulfilled Thanks Chair
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    Hebrew Calendar, Weeks, Days

    The Hebrew calendar is drawing a lot of attention here recently. I’d like to straighten things out. 1. The Hebrew calendar is solar-lunar. This is not an unusual arrangement- the Chinese, for example, have a calendar of this type. The months are set by the moon, and an extra leap month is...
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    Hajj and Eid al-Adha

    It is Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice. Also the time that one goes on a pilgrimage to Mecca- the Hajj. Know anybody who's celebrating? Know anyone who has been to Mecca? There are some interesting customs regarding the Hajj.
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    Christians: Who do you pray to?

    This is mostly aimed at Trinitarians, but I will be glad to hear from others as well. When you pray, who are you thinking of? The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit? This is not a theological question. I am curious as to how people think about this in day to day life. A fair case can be made...
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    Eid Said

    It's Eid el-Fitr! Happy Holiday to my Muslim friends. عيد سعيد Chair
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    On a practical level: How to deal with Islam in the US

    I know many here are concerned and even frightened by Islam. Some even hate Muslims as a group. So- what do you suggest be done about Islam and Muslims in the US, or any western country, for that matter?
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    Muslims and Islam

    I have many reasons to hate Muslims and Islam. More than the vast majority of posters here. Here’s why: 1. On 2 December 2001, a suicide bomber blew up a bus in my home town. I was in the bus right behind it. Our windshield was blown in, but no major injuries. On our bus, that is. 15 killed in...
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    Dangerous Heresy, misled by Satan: Language of the Dark Ages

    I find it very disturbing how quickly some of our fellow TOLer's fall into the use of language that is more suited to the 14th century than today. When you say "Dangerous Heresy", it brings up images of belief-enforcers protecting their flock from the heretics- at any cost. When you say "misled...
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    Is the Law meant as a way of being "saved" or getting to heaven?

    Where in the Hebrew Bible ("Old" Testament) does it say that the Law is a means of being saved or getting to Heaven? I know that some of the later Christian writings claim that it was- and a failed way at that. Since one could not possibly observe the Law completely, the net result was that the...
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    The law of the Lord is perfect

    Psalm 19 The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is...
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    Are Biblical "Kinds" actually Biblical?

    The concept of Biblical "Kinds" has come up in recent decades. The idea being that God did not create individual species, but animals or plants that represented "Kinds" that later turned into species by rapid micro-evolution. The concept came up as a way of dealing with difficulties in a...
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    Why Trust Paul?

    Modern Christianity is largely based on the teachings of Paul. The question is: Why do you accept Paul as an authority? If it is because of verses in the New Testament (which is the answer many will think of), then there is a small problem, as much of the New Testament consists of letters...