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  1. ok doser

    Recession Is Good!

    I don't really care about mean tweets anymore. Can we have the adults back in charge please?
  2. ok doser

    Ron DeSantis

    The left is working overtime trying to smear Ron DeSantis. I saw a bit of it from the bananahead the other day and asked her why. Unsurprisingly she was unable to answer. She doesn't know why. All she knows is she's being told to hate Ron DeSantis. And like a good little leftist drone she's...
  3. ok doser

    Proud Homo Disease Spreaders

    Just One Week After End of 'Pride Month,' Liberal Cities Are Monkeypox Hotspots To paraphrase the old adage, “Pride Month” cometh before a rise in monkeypox cases. At least, that is the experience of San Francisco and New York City, both of which are grappling with spiking cases of the disease...
  4. ok doser

    Jayland Walker did a dumb

    Donut Operator is one of the more reliable sources of these kinds of breakdowns of these kinds of events. He also brings an element of humor to it, black humor to be sure. (that's racist 😁 ) Caution language
  5. ok doser

    China - Digital Control Of Citizens

  6. ok doser


    Celebrating the day Republicans told Democrats they couldn't own slaves anymore.
  7. ok doser

    January 6, Trump's Attempt To Overthrow The Government!!!

    Oh wait. Maybe not. Internal Capitol Police Report Reveals Security Failures on Pelosi’s Watch An internal Capitol Police report on the January 6 incident revealed extensive security failures on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) watch. Dated June 4, the report shows sweeping mistakes...
  8. ok doser

    Pelosi Corruption

    Yes I know it's redundant and yes I know there are other threads about Pelosi but I was so disgusted by this headline I thought it worth its own thread. And of course nobody is surprised about this. POLITICS Charges Dropped, Evidence Buried, Patriots Pissed: Drunk Driver Paul Pelosi Gets Off...
  9. ok doser

    Climate Change? What Climate Change?

    JAMES DELINGPOLE How scientists got their global warming sums wrong — and created a £1TRILLION-a-year green industry that bullied experts who dared to question the figures The scientists who produce those doomsday reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change finally come clean. The...
  10. ok doser

    Student Loan Political Suicide
  11. ok doser

    Another Mass Shooting, Another Far Right White Supremacist Trump/MAGA/TuckerCarlson Supporter
  12. ok doser

    2020 Election Cheating

    Sen. Ted Cruz Calls Out Google For Sending GOP Emails to Spam Liberal media companies are notorious for censoring information that doesn’t fit their agenda, Google is no exception. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called for a meeting with Google amid a recent study that found the company was unfairly...
  13. ok doser

    You People

    Look out! It's a racism!
  14. ok doser

    Farewell To Women's Sports

    Here’s How Biden’s Radical Rewrite Of Key Civil Rights Law Will Fundamentally Change America President Joe Biden’s Department of Education (DOE) is expected to roll out new Title IX rules that will expand the definition of sex to include gender identity, which experts say will have legal and...
  15. ok doser


    Jesse Waters claims that Joe Biden just came out in support of bail reform. Listen for yourself to Joe mumbling his way through a teleprompter speech and see if you agree. I'm on the fence. I think what he was trying to say was "Isn't it time for pudding and my nap yet?"
  16. ok doser

    Reuters Gone Woke

    Dang - one of the last of the mainstream media outlets that I still had some degree of trust in. Former Reuters Journalist Claims He Was Fired For Disproving BLM Narrative About Cops A former data-analyzing journalist at the Reuters news agency asserts that he was fired because he crunched...
  17. ok doser

    Shooting in Buffalo

    White supremacist Scary Black rifle which is illegal in this state Live streamed to twitch The good news is they caught him alive. Hopefully they can unscrew his noggin poke around inside and figure out what made him tick. What they won't do is give the victims Justice...
  18. ok doser

    Bread And Circuses - The Direction Of My Country

    Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it. In 1969 I watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I was 9 years old. All of my life the greatest man in the world, the President of the United States had been telling us that we were going to do it. In 1969 we did it. I took it for...
  19. ok doser

    In Defense Of Rape

    Surprised/Not Surprised This is the natural consequence of using the concept of consent as a defining factor. Canada’s top court says voluntary extreme intoxication a defence in violent crimes The Supreme Court of Canada issued a major decision on Friday allowing criminal defendants in cases...