Search results

  1. Lon

    "Parents of of Transgender Leelah Alcorn are not Christians"

    The Talk (link to watch) a couple of exerpts: "As wrong as it may be, these people with thier religious beliefs, 'think' they are doing what is right..." "Christian bullies drove their child to death. That's not what Christianity is about! Get on your knees and ask your child and the Lord...
  2. Lon

    Christmas Quote Game

    Really simple: See how many quotes you can ascertain from what literature, television, or big screen (or anything else for that matter). Rules: 1) Guess of course and keep tally of your own score. 2) Add questions of your own with favorite quotes from movies, music, television, literature...
  3. Lon

    Psalmist shares the gospel

    I asked what one is supposed to do that is told to go to hell, looking for a good and right response. This was it. Thank you, Psalmist Romans 10:11 For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame." Romans 8:23-39
  4. Lon

    John W exhorts Lon concerning doctrine

    Not that I didn't agree with him but I very much appreciate the tenor of correction here and he is correct. It is POTD worthy. Thank you. :first: and thank you, John who is the-dubya.
  5. Lon

    ECT Open Rebuke is Better...and needed, here

    Do Not return evil for evil, but overcome evil with good and Learn to discern rightly (correctly). Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Rom 10:10 For with the heart...
  6. Lon

    School and Sunday School Object lessons

    "Object" lessons meaning objects you can use or craft to teach an educational and/or spiritual lesson. Here is one that I use to discuss our sins under Jesus' blood. I have children (and even teens and adults) make a self-portrait with black crayon or black ink. I then have them scribble...
  7. Lon

    A4T chimes in on the new troll

    For some reason, movie quotes like this bust me up.
  8. Lon

    Life is good concerning the Bema seat

    I will never be able to say anything more meaningful than this admonishment to anti-trinitarians.
  9. Lon

    ECT Our triune God

    This thread is specifically for triune believers. No other need or should post here. I'm personally boycotting these cultists threads against our view. I have found none of them are here to learn a thing and they certainly don't make a cogent or compelling presentation. Its a waste of...