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  1. JudgeRightly

    JudgeRightly's PotD December 17, 2020

    This is what people seem to miss the most. Thanks for explaining it so succinctly. Good job, Yorzhik!
  2. JudgeRightly

    Dominion is full of cowards and criminals
  3. JudgeRightly

    Tyrannical New York Warns About Another Shutdown
  4. JudgeRightly

    Tyrannical New Jersey Fining Gym Owners Daily For Remaining Open
  5. JudgeRightly

    Nancy Pelosi is evil
  6. JudgeRightly

    JudgeRightly's PotD December 8, 2020

    Another truth-smacker of a post by Clete. Well done!
  7. JudgeRightly

    New YouTube Channel for Open Be sure to check it out, subscribe, and hit the notification bell! (Disclaimer: I don't run the channel)
  8. JudgeRightly

    The Pope Is A Communist. When God says "Thou shall not steal," it inherently implies that a person has the right to personally own something, and that no one has the right to take it away...
  9. JudgeRightly

    JudgeRightly's Post of the Day

    A simple post, yet the video contained within hits it out of the park.
  10. JudgeRightly

    For those of you trying to get back in...

    Please make sure to check your spam folders at the email address that the reset password email was sent to. We're still sorting out some of the issues, squashing bugs, and smoothing out glitches, and use the contact form if you still cannot get in. Thanks!
  11. JudgeRightly

    The time has come...

    ... to disobey. We are Paul Revere My neighbor has the right to choose to be afraid. If he is afraid that I unknowingly carry an illness, he has the right to be afraid of me. He has the right to stay away from me. But he does not have the right to control me, detain me, or deface me. If he...
  12. JudgeRightly

    Creationists vs "Atheistical Darwinialistic evolutionalists"

    From a closed thread (found here), I wanted to continue the discussion: [SIZE=12px]Unfortunately, my side makes the opposite claim, and an article was written to that effect. Worth the read, I think. And I could make the opposite claim. So instead of just question begging, how about...
  13. JudgeRightly

    Meanwhile, in Africa...

    The largest swarm of locusts in about 50 years is currently eating its way across Africa.
  14. JudgeRightly

    Java Man Not as Old as Scientists Wish Alternate explanation, Java man was fully human, 'Out of Africa' theory in shambles
  15. JudgeRightly

    Oh the Irony... Alternate title: "Squatter Bums Successfully Evicted from Property they do not Own"
  16. JudgeRightly

    Fossils can be made quickly Making fossils doesn't require long periods of time. Saying all fossils were formed over long periods of time (for example, millions of years) ignores that fact, and makes the claim special pleading. Fossils can form quickly enough...
  17. JudgeRightly

    Solar Probe Found Unexplainable Things When one's model is constantly having issues explaining how things work, maybe the model being used is incorrect, and should be discarded or revised...