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  1. nikolai_42

    ECT Spiritual Diagnoses

    Is unbelief a pre-existing condition for everyone that comes into the world? I don't mean skepticism, but real, spiritual unbelief. Because if it isn't, then what happens to make someone become an unbeliever? But if it is, then doesn't that comport more with the idea that people need to be saved...
  2. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    There is no need to reinvent the wheel every time you want to build a car. Likewise, the mathematical equations are there because they have been repeatedly tested and borne out practically. So the designer has to know precisely what his equations are doing if he wants it to do a certain thing...
  3. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    AMR is probably the better one to explain it. I know enough to be dangerous and that's about it. But in a general sense, every part of a satellite system needs to know "where" it is relative to everything else. So the commands it receives (and sends) to reorient angles that antennae are pointed...
  4. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    A disc is inherently unstable and it wouldn't take much for it to be set flying erratically. But this verse specifically says the earth is reeling as a drunkard. A dizzy, unstable drunkard. The earth having its axis moved back and forth would make the globe look exactly like that - moving back...
  5. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    There are multiple problems with the north pole being the center (or anywhere other than the core of a globe) of a flat earth. For one, gravity should only work perpendicular to the surface at that point. In other words, gravity pulls to the center - so as you go towards the edge of the disc...
  6. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    The earth, in that verse, does reel. It is not a normal event, no, but this is a description of the earth doing something because of God's judgement. But that still leaves the question unanswered : how does a disc reel? As for Newton's laws, F=GMm/r^2 comes to mind. Gravity can NOT operate the...
  7. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    If all the satellite and aircraft and GPS manufacturers are all willing dupes, how do they design, build and maintain their respective system based on such a faulty model? Especially one where they may be forced to base critical calculations on something as foundational as Newton’s Laws of...
  8. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Having gone through that list I can only say how ironic it is that FEers have to rely on circular reasoning. Sent from my iPhone using TOL
  9. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    An article in Forbes written last November : 5 Impossible Facts that would be Necessary for A Flat Earth/#139f95047c4f To summarize those facts : 1. Lunar Eclipses DON'T only occur at midnight. As a flat disk, there is only one orientation of the Sun-Earth-Moon alignment that can take place...
  10. nikolai_42

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    What is the theoretical limit on observation at a distance on a FE? Is it the same at higher elevations? Sent from my iPhone using TOL
  11. nikolai_42

    What is the definition of Legalism?

    I start this thread with some trepidation. I know the rancor which seems to arise with these sorts of discussions - and it is NOT my intent to cause that. But in my experience, this is one of those topics that suffers (in part) from poor definition. So in an effort to more clearly understand it...
  12. nikolai_42

    Dumb question?

    Maybe this is a dumb question, but why do all (or most of) these crises that are supposed to provide the proof that we need greater gun control seem to happen at schools?
  13. nikolai_42

    Was this right?

    Man doesn't agree with "Pride" festivities in his own town. Man contacts billboard company (Lamar) and pays the fee to have a bible verse posted in response to these activities. Billboard company ultimately refuses ...
  14. nikolai_42

    ECT Let No Man Take Thy Crown

    Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Revelation 3:11 Is this crown different from the crown of Life Christ spoke of to a church just previously : Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into...
  15. nikolai_42

    Strange Bedfellows or Hegelian Dialectic?

    Okay...I may not be able to live up to the promise of the title, but it captures the essence of my question. No one will deny that there is deep division in this country - at least in the political realm and in the eyes of the media. Maybe the division is simply between traditional American...
  16. nikolai_42

    Societal hypocrisy?

    In the midst of a slew of allegations of sexual misconduct I was listening to some of the righteous indignation of some politicians who were addressing the specific charges being brought against Judge Moore. I am certain I haven't even heard them all (specifically) but have been given the tenor...
  17. nikolai_42

    ECT Two Gatherings?

    This post is primarily directed at those who believe in a pre-trib (secret) rapture - but anyone who wants to explain what they see here is welcome to respond. It's quite likely that this is a popular bone of contention, but I haven't run into it myself. I've never spent much time debating end...
  18. nikolai_42

    Another earthquake hits Mexico - 7.1 This one on the anniversary of the 8.1 that hit Mexico in 1985.
  19. nikolai_42

    ECT Covetousness

    The sin of covetousness is what seems to me to be the "sticky wicket" of God's requirements for holiness. In the OT, the commandments instructed that covetousness was forbidden. This is the same Law that is often thought to be devoted to externals. And it seems to me that Jesus used it to bring...