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  1. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Nonsense. From Scientific American: Creationist Claim: Mutations are essential to evolution theory, but mutations can only eliminate traits. They cannot produce new features. On the contrary, biology has catalogued many traits produced by point mutations (changes at precise positions in an...
  2. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    No. If you guys had provided any credible argument of your own, then, and only then, would I have been guilty of appeal to popularity. You guys try the same stunt in the covid threads. You cry "appeal to authority" when we, rightly of course, assert that the overwhelming majority of trained...
  3. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    I am correct - you were begging the question. This is obvious. You initially claimed that mainstream evolutionary science is "indoctrination". When I challenged you on this, you did not make any actual case that evolutionary science was wrong, you merely claimed it was fallacious. That is the...
  4. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    This is, of course, completely misleading and I suspect that you know this. You surely know that the mechanism of evolution makes perfect sense - random mutations in genetic code can produce characteristics that increase the chance the organism will survive to pass that trait to its offspring...
  5. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    This is the very definition of begging the question.
  6. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Another of your many error (or lies). Evolution is nothing if not logical - it is a powerful explanatory framework that makes sense of vast quantities of data.
  7. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Think what you are, by implication, asking people to believe. You are asking them to believe that tens of thousands of highly trained experts - with real jobs they can lose if discovered to be lying - are collaborating in a vast conspiracy to deceive the world into thinking that we evolved from...
  8. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Again, the theory of evolution has no connection at all to the matter of how the world came to be. You are trying to muddy the waters here by inferring motives. The simple fact is this: the theory of evolution is completely non-committal on how the universe came to be.
  9. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Irrelevant, of course. Your tinfoil hat wearing buddy was, as usual, demonstrating his lack of knowledge of the facts. The theory of evolution is completely disconnected from theories about how the world came into being.
  10. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    Yes, so what? The science that shows that the earth is billions of years old requires specialized training to understand. Just like specialized training is required to do a heart transplant, or design an aircraft, or understand the inner workings of the atom, or understand the general theory...
  11. E

    How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

    The theory of evolution has nothing, repeat nothing, to do with how the universe came into being.
  12. E

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    It is almost as if you use a blender to compose your posts - you toss in a random selection of demonizing terms and let 'er rip. It is beyond ironic that you decry propaganda - many, perhaps most, of your posts are pure demonizing rhetoric, unalloyed by even a scintilla of rational argument or...
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    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    I can understand your opposition to mandates. First, it's mandates for vaccines. And then, just maybe, mandates against lying on internet forums. Then where would you be?
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    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Misleading, of course. From Reuters: ARR = Absolute Risk Reduction RRR = Relative Risk Reducution “Let’s say a study enrolled 20,000 patients into the control group and 20,000 in the vaccine group. In that study, 200 people in the control group got sick and 0 people in the vaccine group got...
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    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Completely irrelevant to the matter of whether it is wise to take the vaccine.
  16. E

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Yup, we got some real rocket scientists here.
  17. E

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Hey Einstein, we know vaccines are not preventing infection. They prevent serious illness, an important fact that you conceal.
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    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Deliberate misrepresentation of the truth is rampant about the vaccines. And it works. And people die.
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    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Well, I can agree with this - there have indeed been errors.
  20. E

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    If I am "confessing" to lying, how come you have failed to identify a single, solitary lie from my pen?