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  1. E

    New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery

    Do a google search of how slaves were treated, and it's not the rosy picture you paint. They were forcefully taken from their native country, about two million died from the brutality and harsh conditions of the slave ships. About 388,00 Africans were shipped directly to North America, over a...
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    New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery

    Yes, it happened in the UK, where I am from. The government borrowed money in 1833 to pay off the slave owners, and the UK finally paid of that debt in 2015. Throughout my fifty five years of work, some of my taxes were used to pay off slave owners. To say this make me feel sick is an...
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    New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery

    The slaves should have been paid the reparation money, NOT the slave owners. The slaves were forcefully taken from their country, and abused. If you think it is okay for slave owners to be paid reparation, the slaves should have been compensated too. I am perpetrating the need for justice, not...
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    New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery

    On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed. Worth around...
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    And guess which group has suffered the most injustice in the US. They were bought there as slaves. Sixty years ago, they had to fight to be able to sit down anywhere on a bus. Any black person who fought and died for their country, were segregated to the back of Arlington Cemetery, even in death...
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    About 45% of American household have a gun, but guns are the most favoured murder weapon. Apparently, the biggest gun owning groups are republicans and those earning over a $100K. Probably, a 100% of American households have...
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    It's probably fair to say, most people buy a gun with the thought of self defence. You probably can't go into a gun store and say, I want a gun to kill people. We will never agree, but I am so pleased I live in the UK.
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    A gun is the weapon most commonly used in domestic homicides. In fact, more than six times as many women are murdered by guns used by their current or former intimate partners than are killed by male strangers’ guns, knives or other weapons combined...
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    To save one life is good if everyone can own their guns. About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 – 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% – involved a firearm. However, if thousands of black males die, it does not seem to be a problem. Hypocrite, comes to mind.
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    People with guns kill thousands every year. Ignore the thousands who die, rather recognise the sake of the 'One' who could be saved with a gun.
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    Of course there is violence in the UK, and I confront it often, but withour any weapons, or self defence. I have freedom, but I honestly don’t want the freedom to carry a weapon, because I know this will give everyone else the freedom to do the same. I don’t want that to happen. I probably...
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    Every holiday I have enjoyed, was knowing that nobody is armed. I can go to church and walk around town, knowing that it is a criminal offence to carry any weapon, including a knife. In my 74 years of living in the UK, I have never once carried or needed a weapon.
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    Settlers came to America, they had a couple of centuries to settle in with the indigenous culture. Instead the occupation turned to near genocide. When you take territory by force, you have to protect it with force. Is that one of the reasons, the founding fathers wanted its citizens to be...
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    Anything that is considered to be a law, must hang and depend on the greatest commandments. Abram could have offered a ransom, he was a wealthy man. Instead, he routed the kidnappers, he decided who should live and who should die. Abram searched for a human solution, had he searched for a divine...
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    Pacifism is a troubling word, it means when there is conflict, peacemakers have to somehow stand in the middle and stand up for peace. I do this regularly as an individual, I probably take far greater risks than I should. Peaceful solutions are important to me. If lads broke into my house with...
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    I quoted passages from the Bible that referred to Abraham and Jesus. What was moranic?
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    Abraham deceived the king by saying, his wife was in fact his sister. Abraham slept with his wife’s servant. Abraham armed 318 of his servants to fight. When did Jesus do any of these things? When did Jesus say it was okay to deceive, to have a baby out of wedlock, or to fight? Jesus had a...
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    It may have been Acceptable for Abraham to do what he did, during his lifetime. Jesus had opportunities to fight the occupying Romans, but he didn’t teach this. Jesus taught love God, love your neighbours, forgive, love and pray for your enemies. Did Abraham teach this? Who had the greater...
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    Jesus would have known about Abraham, King David and every other prophet that took Israel to war. The Romans were occupying Israel at the time of Jesus, giving Jesus opportunities to talk about fighting the Romans. Yet Jesus never taught the message of war that the preceding prophets did. Jesus...
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    Germans living in Germany during WW2, had the same kind of ideology and joined the Nazi Party. At his trial after the war, Hermann Goering explained how easy it is to manipulate people. Here is what he said… Bush, Blair, Putin still use this same manipulation.