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  1. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    It's yer belief, son. Wrong. It means it can't be scienced. Can't even come up with a hypothesis. I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from phenomena, and I frame no hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called a hypothesis...
  2. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    We were all booger eatin' morons when first told about the heliocentric cult. Occult ring any bells?
  3. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Says the guy who thinks apples fall from the sky.
  4. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    No, I'm saying flat earth proofs are unrebukable. Not merely a belief. That would be like the belief in gravity as a force... It seems to me farther, that these Particles have not only a Vis inertiae, accompanied with such passive Laws of Motion as naturally result from that Force, but also...
  5. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    D all of the above. One doesn't have to be brilliant to understand that not a force means not a force.
  6. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Yep, both Newtonian and Einsteinian gravity is wizardry. Well done.
  7. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Dude's an idiot. Just can't handle the fact that gravity is not a force. What part of gravity is not a force makes folks stick their fingers in their ears and try to reiterate into one?
  8. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    There's no way he can lay out the flat earther position. It's unrebukable. I'll watch the first one though. Won't be tonight been on here too long now.
  9. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Volume is synonymous with containment.
  10. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Yes, and modern academia says it's not a force. Pulling or pushing.
  11. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Volume vol·ume ˈväl-(ˌ)yüm -yəm Synonyms of volume 1 : the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound also : LOUDNESS 2 : the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object as measured in cubic units (such as quarts or liters) : cubic capacity see Metric System Table, Weights...
  12. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    No. Flat earth proof is that it's measured flat. Elevation angles are taken from an observers ground position to a star with a ground position 90 degrees below it to the horizontal plane.
  13. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Not yet, doubt I will. I already know why Christians try to make scripture not mean it's flat. I used to be one.
  14. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Anything would include gas molecules. So, nothing is causing anything you can think of to fall to the earth. IOW not a constant downward bias. Umm... gas comes from the ground and expands in all directions. Again, not all objects are attracted to earth. Are you dense?
  15. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Fun fact: When air is taken out of a vacuum chamber the chamber gains weight.
  16. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Then not anything. Can't be the same thing that allows them to get up there to begin with. Gas laws are facts of nature.
  17. 1Mind1Spirit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Not conflating, just got it wrong. Yes, the second law is about entropy. Gas will disperse into the available space. Ideal gas law states that gas pressure cannot occur without containment. If yore "atmosphere" is not contained no air to breathe. Yer a dead man walkin'.