Search results

  1. musterion

    Confused pro-abort feminist inexplicably sad over miscarriage

    Maybe leftism didn't burn out all traces of motherly love from her soul.
  2. musterion

    Plane diverted due to fake bomb

    Flight to Paris diverted after a suspicious guy left this in the can. How stupid. It's obviously just a kitchen timer he invented.
  3. musterion

    ECT "Should we celebrate Christ's birth?"

    Another perspective.
  4. musterion

    Words of wisdom from the lost

    Fake but about as sensible as his real teachings.
  5. musterion

    More about choices and responsibility (now rape-free!)

    Once more we go for a stroll down to the busy intersection of free will, stupidity and natural consequences. Post your observations but please try to refrain from using the D-word, as it needlessly inflames the discussion...
  6. musterion

    Who has the biggest Ignore list?

  7. musterion

    Islam related news bits

    There's more of them all the time, and not only from Euro-Utopia, feel free to drop them here.
  8. musterion

    What shootings would Obama's gun policies have prevented?

    According to the WH spox, here's the answer.
  9. musterion

    Coming soon to the UK and all of Europe Your leaders won't stop it and you can't. Sorry. Several of us would invite you to the U.S. but most of you seem to believe you're safer where you are, and would just bring...
  10. musterion

    The Gospel testimony of John Calvin

  11. musterion

    Sorcery in the name of 'Jesus'
  12. musterion

    ME Christians (?) disrupt Las Vegas mass What they say in the video is accurate, as far as it goes, but their being ex (?) Muslims likely explains their rudeness. There is NO biblical warrant for doing what they're doing in the way they're doing it. I...
  13. musterion

    Oh look, more dinosaur tissues Yeah, they'll find ways to deny it.
  14. musterion

    Some will say that this woman...

    ...deserved it. Others, that this may be an unintended consequence of her actions. Still others, that it has nothing to do with her. Discuss.
  15. musterion

    More evidence of modern Britain's moral superiority

    Such enlightened humanitarianism doesnt happen in the U.S. (yet).
  16. musterion

    More filthy hands on the purported body and blood of Christ

    "But priests don't have to be impeccable," blah blah blah. God's Word says otherwise.
  17. musterion

    No more Campbell's soup for us

    Campbells promotes homosexuals grooming their soon-to-be catamite. 7rZOMY2sOnE And he's not even an infant. Old enough to wield a kid's spoon. Store brand from here on.
  18. musterion

    British police admit there are no-go zones

    Can't remember who but this is for the Brit who not long ago lied and said these zones don't exist.
  19. musterion

    Knock knock.

  20. musterion

    Anyone who stinks another parson's knobby dessert should be rapped.

    And you'll never convince me otherwise.