This Week in Ukraine: Soldiers Storm Orthodox Monastery, Arrest Priest During Service, Cut Off Access to Sacred Caves, Close Three Orthodox Churches
See? Now would NAZIs do something like that? Oh, wait.
Thanks for that. Anyone who commits a crime deserves the appropriate penalty. Three thoughts on this.
1 - The video does not prove there were zero feds inciting a riot.
2 - The video does not prove there were zero antifa people rioting.
3 - The video is evidence that the Bible is right when...
Not by Trump.
If some deranged psycho listens to some boring speech on various chicken recipes, and for some warped reason feels "incited" to riot at the closest KFC, that's on the psycho. It's not the speaker's fault. The speaker did not call for nor organize the riot.
The word "incite" is...
It should be a crime to call for a riot. Or to organize a riot. Trump did none of those things.
If some deranged psycho listens to some boring speech on various chicken recipes, and for some warped reason feels "incited" to riot at the closest KFC, that's on the psycho. It's not the speaker's...