Search results

  1. Nathon Detroit

    What happens when Muslims get fired for refusing to do their job?

    We all know what happens to you if you are a Christian baker and you decline to make a gay wedding cake. Or if you are a State clerk and refuse to hand out gay marriage certificates. The left-wing mafia comes down on you as well as the justice system. Heck you might even end up in jail. But...
  2. Nathon Detroit

    Battle Royale XIV discussion thread

    It's been a full seven years since the last Battle Royale on TOL. Well.... good news folks because Battle Royale XIV is heading your way and it's going to a fun one. What: Is the King James Bible the Only Inspired Scripture on Earth Today? Battle Royale XIV Who: This King James Only debate...
  3. Nathon Detroit

    Top physicist on climate change....

    So says one of the world’s greatest theoretical physicists, Dr Freeman Dyson, the British-born, naturalised American citizen who worked at Princeton University as a contemporary of Einstein and has advised the US government on a wide range of scientific and technical issues. In an interview...
  4. Nathon Detroit

    Music for Calvinists

    You can't make this stuff up.
  5. Nathon Detroit

    Oregon Community College Shooting - What law (if any) could have prevented it?

    A gunman opens fire and kills at least 10 at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon. President Obama made a statement saying congress should enact gun control laws. So I want to know.... What law could have prevented yesterday's tragedy?
  6. Nathon Detroit

    Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb

    The media wants us to feel sorry for the boy who got arrested for building a "clock" that was mistaken for a bomb. All I can say is if any kid brought this device into my kids class I would hope the teachers would take action. (See attached)
  7. Nathon Detroit

    9th Annual TOL-A-THON Starts now!

    The 9th annual TOL-A-THON Starts now! Thank you in advance for any support you can offer! :up: We have two weeks to raise $3,000. Please consider giving a donation to help us reach our goal. Donations of any amount are welcome. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Each and every year during the...
  8. Nathon Detroit

    9th Annual TOL-A-THON Starts Monday September 21st

    Get ready folks for the 2015 TOL-a-THON. The 9th annual TOL-a-THON will raise money to pay for our annual dedicated server fee as well as any upgrades and optimizations we may install in the next calendar year. Please consider setting aside some funds to help us reach our goal. The 9th annual...
  9. Nathon Detroit

    Planned Parenthood Videos show women took genocide to an all-new level of evil

    Men are told... we have no voice in the reproductive right's debate. After all, what could we know? We are men. In the recent series of undercover videos by The Center for Medical Progress there is one extremely strange theme running through every video. All of the people seem to be women. Men...
  10. Nathon Detroit

    Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies

    The story.... An undercover video shot last summer by a new pro-life organization called Center for Medical Progress purports to show the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of America talking on camera about how to abort a child intact so the child’s body parts can be transferred for...
  11. Nathon Detroit

    Is America great?

    Matt Walsh wrote a very interesting blog post about the state of America's greatness or lack thereof. I thought it was an interesting topic on this Independence Day weekend. Happy Fourth of July. America is not great. Not anymore. America is a land where babies are murdered, the family is...
  12. Nathon Detroit


    We have all heard the news plastered in every corner of every aspect of social media, television, and radio. The Supreme Court declared Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the United States. Those in favor of such a ruling are running their parade lap while those...
  13. Nathon Detroit

    Guns take the blame but what about antidepressant drugs?

    Guns are quick to be blamed when a someone murders another person but maybe we should start looking at the use of antidepressant drugs. The co-pilot who intentionally flew Germanwings flight 9525 airliner into a mountain was on antidepressant drugs as were all of these folks... Eric Harris age...
  14. Nathon Detroit

    RIP Frank Ernest.

    I read today on Facebook that longtime TOL member Frank Ernest passed away on Saturday. :( Frank was a treasured part of the TOL community and had been posting here since 2003. Frank will be truly missed. God bless him and his family...
  15. Nathon Detroit

    NFL 2015

    Let's get started. What will be the stories of 2015??? Will the Seahawks avenge their thrown-away repeat championship? Will the Patriots find themselves in another scandal? Who will be the surprise team of the year? Who will be the biggest flop??
  16. Nathon Detroit

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Dear Urantia people. Wouldn't you be happier on a forum that was more receptive to your beliefs?? Seriously.... I think you guys are pure nuts. I'm sure you are all really nice folks in person but this stuff just doesn't seem to fit here on TOL. I can't continue to protect you from other...
  17. Nathon Detroit

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Why are you posting that? What is the point of posting all of this stuff about the wacky Urantia stuff on TOL?
  18. Nathon Detroit

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Is there a Urantia forum on the internet somewhere?
  19. Nathon Detroit

    From the mailbag 01-16-2015

    This is the kind of mail that brightens my day.... "even if evolution was not real your web site would be a disgusting advocate for an "honest" religion. Your god would hate your guts if it existed. You are so dishonest and vile! I wish hell existed because that is where you would end up."...
  20. Nathon Detroit

    The 2014 TOL Members Hall of Fame Inductees.

    Every year we induct 5 members into the TOL Members Hall of Fame. These members have made a long term impact on TheologyOnline in a variety of ways. Love them or hate them TOL wouldn't be the same without them. This years inductees are... Bright Raven A loyal TOL'er since 2005 Bright Raven has...