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  1. Ask Mr. Religion

    Equifax Hack - Next Steps: Freeze Credit Data

    Given the recent hack of Equifax the next step a person should take is to place a freeze on your credit data at the main credit bureaus. If you are planning some major purchases, you will have to unfreeze ("thaw") your credit freezes. NBC News article...
  2. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Trinity - Talking Points

    God, the Trinity, and seven principles God: There is but one God (Deuteronomy 4:39), who is eternal (Isaiah 57:15; Psalms 90:2; Psalms 90:4; Revelation 1:8; Revelation 4:8; John 8:58; Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 45:21; Isaiah 46:9-10; Galatians 4:4-5; Acts 17:30-31), a spirit (John 4:24), sovereign...
  3. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Before it gets out of hand, it is hijack. ;) AMR
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    SPOTD: Lon Once Again Schools Moonbeam New Agers

    "Don't smile about it. That is simply being a social butterfly and embracing Satan in one group, then hugging Raj Nish, then atheists as if there was peace. 2 Corinthians 11:3,4" See the whole post here...
  5. Ask Mr. Religion

    Our Lord's Atonement

    Not a few folks react wrongly when limited atonement is mentioned, failing to see their own versions of limited atonement. Those who deny the Reformers view what Scripture teaches about limited atonement have a limited atonement of their own: some for whom Christ died are not saved by his death...
  6. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture Thank you for making it clear how far outside the camp you reside. I really have no time or interest in discussing sacred matters with those that think as do you. AMR
  7. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Perspicuity of Scripture Perspicuity of Scripture No. The perspicuity of Scripture is within the grasp of all persons who devote themselves to its study. Depending upon effort, study, training, environment, circumstances and more, not all will come to the same level of understanding, but the...
  8. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    No Figurative Markers to Support Non-Geocentric Claims in Joshua 10 No Figurative Markers to Support Non-Geocentric Claims in Joshua 10 No. A prayer was offered up for the sun to stand still. The prayer was answered and declared so. The Sun did not appear to stand still to all observers, else...
  9. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Literal Does Not Mean Wooden Literal Does Not Mean Wooden If this is your conclusion then you misunderstand "literal" as relates to hermeneutics. It does not mean wooden. It means to take the words in Scripture as they are intended to mean by the writer. The writers of Holy Writ, superintended...
  10. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Joshua 10 Is Not Phenomenological " if..." Joshua 10 Is Not Phenomenological " if..." Did I not say the Joshua account is not phenomenological? Why you keep appealing to a phenomenological (as if...) stance eludes me. This is the same reasoning used by those that would deny the...
  11. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Naturalistic Science vs. Biblical Worldview Naturalistic Science vs. Biblical Worldview I mean the sun orbits the earth. What if it were shown that the Bible systematically adopts a geocentric perspective? Would that be something to care about? God created the heaven and the earth on day one...
  12. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Read, Fire, Aim - Joshua 10 Read, Fire, Aim - Joshua 10 I take the time to extract my comments in another thread in detail related to the Joshua 10 historical (not phenomenological or allegorical) account of a miracle. In response, some merely skim here and there or do not take the time to...
  13. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Geocentricity and Joshua 10 Geocentricity and Joshua 10 Are you reading carefully? Geocentricity, yes. Flat-earth? Heavens no. AMR
  14. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Geocentricity and Joshua 10 Geocentricity and Joshua 10 It is likely you did not read the content linked above, else you would know your point is discussed. There is nothing phenomenological nor allegorical in Joshua 10 that warrants your assertions above or what followed, and to do so leads...
  15. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Geocentricity and Joshua 10 Geocentricity and Joshua 10 Well, at least I can get behind the statement about the geocentricity of earth, as it is the only proper explanation of the events described in Joshua 10. -...
  16. Ask Mr. Religion

    Logos 7 Gold Library For Sale - AMR

    Logos 7 Gold Library For Sale As some of you may know, I have been taking care of my wife (bedridden, suffering from mental and physical disabilities) for many years now. Due to some very recent unexpected losses of consulting monies (the client has went out of business leaving my invoices...
  17. Ask Mr. Religion

    Views of the Eschaton

    For me, when it comes to views of the end times, any view, including, dispensational, and even historic premillennial (so-called non-dispensational Premillennialism), that encompasses earthly millennial reigning dishonorably implies Our Lord has abdicated from sitting at the right hand of God...
  18. Ask Mr. Religion

    Want to actually understand predestination? Ask a Calvinist.

    Not unexpectedly, Robert's latest blog article is but more evidence of his numerous erroneous views, especially concerning his hobby-horse, Calvinism. Unless on is a heretical hyper-Calvinist, those so destined for eternal punishment were contemplated by God as already fallen in Adam (a fallen...
  19. Ask Mr. Religion

    SPOTD: Lon Answers Moonbeam New Age Theology

    After pointing out that not all roads lead to God, Lon properly answers typical the nonsense of moonbeam New Age theology: For the entire response, see: AMR
  20. Ask Mr. Religion

    1 John 2:2 and "world"

    You need to be more careful in your view of the verse in question. On needs to understand the context as well as how the author, John, uses words in Scripture. Lifting a verse outside of these things will lead to the erroneous claims you are making. If here "world" (kosmos) is a reference to...