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  1. Nazaroo

    Two Soldiers who died in Chattanooga were already Dead!

    The pic of Larry "Skip" Wells was photoshopped on one eye to make it look different. Marine Lance Cpl. Larry L. Wells Died August 6, 2004 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom
  2. Nazaroo

    Was Charleston Crisis another FAKE Setup by Obama?

    I don't have a problem with Christians forgiving shooters, but how are they all so homogenously emotionless, and why are all their stories stiffly scripted? Its like the Sandy Hook actors. Bw-iD5eFw5k
  3. Nazaroo

    Serial Killer shot dead by Prostitute Victim

    This looks like a scarey story with a good ending, unfortunately, many dead or missing seem connected to this monster: July 27, 2015 National Serial Killer, Killed By Prostitute A West Virginia prostitute who killed a threatening john may have inadvertently ended an Oregon serial...
  4. Nazaroo

    TiSP Global Hijack by Banksters to strip Govt Finance regulations

    WikiLeaks has exposed massive banking conspiracy: WikiLeaks got its hands on part of the secret trade pact for services By Don Quijones, Spain & Mexico, editor at WOLF STREET. It’s almost impossible to keep anything secret these days – not even the core text of a hyper-secret trade deal...
  5. Nazaroo

    Homo Pedophile Hollywood not Exaggerated

    The Stars, script writers, producers and directors of Hollywood have spent over 10 decades influencing and manipulating our moral values, destroying the innocence of children and exploiting everyone and themselves in the pursuit of money and a society in which they can safely indulge...
  6. Nazaroo

    Veterans still Neglected, but now Drugged up Needlessly 80% of time

    Take a read from this CNN article. Information on how badly veterans are treated is now mainstream news; PTSD veteran: I'm not crazy By Carol Costello, Anchor ... Barber, like thousands of other veterans, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. And, sadly, as I came to...
  7. Nazaroo

    Navy Seal Ben Smith talks about Jihad Ops in the USA

    Ben Smith gives a unique perspective on the coming war between Western Christianity and Islam as an ideological battle. Its a great discussion, and worth carefully listening to some of his points, which can easily be overlooked: qDu4rjSgK_M
  8. Nazaroo

    Trump called for lift of Gun Ban for military WEEKS ago

    Trump was right again: Donald Trump was right again; called for ban of military gun-free zones weeks ago July 17, 2015 | Carmine Sabia | 80 Comments Donald Trump was right again. Ten days...
  9. Nazaroo

    Seems like TOL is mostly visited by lingering Atheist Trolls these days...

    Its just an impression, but it seems we have lost a large number of Christian posters, and have retained for no explicable reason the same number of atheist trolls and mockers that we always had. We might as well call this an Atheist Forum with peculiar rules for Christian guests. I hope...
  10. Nazaroo

    Which is the hero? War Vet or Boob Job?

    I am wondering where people at TOL stand on the idea of bravery, courage, stupidity, rashness etc.
  11. Nazaroo

    Divorce Lawyer gets hand blown off

    It would be wrong to cheer or snicker at this, or sneer "I told you so", but duh: God hates easy divorce. Jesus forbade divorce except for adultery, and warned strongly: "What God has joined together let NO ONE separate!" - Mark 10:9...
  12. Nazaroo

    UFOs in Britain - info on abductions

    Here is one of the best no-nonsense investigative documentaries on the problem of UFOs and missing persons. G1s0NyeqlqI
  13. Nazaroo

    Largest Christian Persecution in 1500 years by ISIS

    Civil wars are raging across the Middle East, with Christians caught in the middle, and they are slaughtered, their wives and children raped and kidnapped. 9cvSSOQrDLc
  14. Nazaroo

    Saudi Muslims insist on right to have sex with Corpses

    Yes. According to Islam, for instance, and Shariah Law, a husband has the right to have sex with his dead wife's corpse. Saudis want to establish this 'right and freedom' and extend it to all Islamic countries. Even in death a muslim "wife" has no basic respect. Keep in mind that...
  15. Nazaroo

    Thousands of Arabs post "Death to Jews" on Facebook

    But you can't post anything against Islam there or you'll be banned. Report: Thousands of Israeli Muslims and “Palestinians” Post ‘Death to Jews’ on Their Facebook Profiles Thursday, July 9, 2015 17:34 (Before It's News) Muslims posted “Death to the Jews” in order...
  16. Nazaroo

    Nearly everyone on UK paedophile ring list is a Freemason

    Major witness who exposed English pedophile ring notes that almost every major pedophile was a Freemason: 6m-5BUNXfNU It features an abuse victim and the former Deputy Chief Constable of...
  17. Nazaroo

    ISIS - True Horror of Human Trafficking Exposed

    The stories are just getting worse coming out of Iraq and Syria in regard to the human trafficking of women, and their abuse as sexual objects to be discarded, for the entertainment of ISIS fighters. Drugs, and torture are being used on women, to force them to comply with absurd...
  18. Nazaroo

    Greece says NO to Criminal German Banksters

    An awesome act of solidarity and defiance by Greece: When Germany was a mess, it was bailed out bigtime by banking funds. But when Greece was in a similar mess, the banks offered no loan write-offs, or any kind of sustainable debt load. Apparently whats good for Germans isn't available to...
  19. Nazaroo

    Why Racists Falsely believe that Blacks perpetrate the most Rapes

    I'm posting this short "article" from Liveleak (originally from David Duke's website apparently) for discussion in the light of the two recent news events. (1) It is widely and credibly believed that the recent white racist shooter was inspired by articles such as this. Its therefore...
  20. Nazaroo

    Dutch Police kill Black man, Idiot Muslims riot and blame "the Jews"

    Opening up land to accommodate Muslim immigrants, land which was formerly Jewish areas before the Jewish population was wiped out during the wars, has apparently backfired, as Muslims don't even understand the history of the area...