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  1. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's pick 04-19-2006

    POTD :first: context
  2. Nathon Detroit

    The entire Bible in one post.

    The following is taken from Bob Enyart's 6th round post in Battle Royale X. I recommend you read the entire battle because it was AWESOME!!! However, if you don't have time to read the entire battle I want to repost this summary of the entire Bible that Bob posted in round #6 because it is...
  3. Nathon Detroit

    What do you like most about TOL? (pick all that apply)

    Is it..... A place to mock the left? Seeing knuckleheads get banned? Knowing that TOL is biased and unfair? Battling ideas? Debating theology? Standing on my own soapbox? Making fun of the newbies? Fellowship week? No gay avatars? Other? (explain below)
  4. Nathon Detroit

    ARCHIVE: Fool is only fooling himself

    fool, you are embarrassing yourself. Seriously.... you may be the only person (beside allsmilies and Granite) that isn't laughing at your silly argument! The following post will show beyond any doubt that fool is only fooling himself. (and of course fooling allsmilies and Granite - misery loves...
  5. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 04-08-2006

    Great smack!!! :first: context
  6. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's pick 03-25-2006

    I guess Bob gets half the credit as does the emailer "Awesee". :D :first: POTD SOURCE
  7. Nathon Detroit

    Welcome National98

    National98, is a friend of mine from parts unknown. Please give him a big TOL welcome.
  8. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 03-21-2006

    :rotfl: :first: POTD!!! source
  9. Nathon Detroit

    Smilie Death Penalty

    Lets execute a smilie! Vote for the smilie you would like to see EXECUTED!!! The first smilie to recieve 20 votes will be executed and removed from TOL's smilie selections.
  10. Nathon Detroit

    One on One: God's foreknowldge - Knight and Urizen

    This thread may prove to be evidence that I am spreading myself too thin. However, I really want to discuss Calvinism, God's foreknowledge etc. with Urizen who seems to be a really cool, reasonable self proclaimed Calvinist. Therefore, let's have at it! Urizen lets start by having you tell me...
  11. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's pick 03-10-2006

    POTD :first: From this thread. Serious smack! :up:
  12. Nathon Detroit

    Which TOL smilies are the all time greatest?

    Pick your favorites. Pick the ones that are the most expressive and useful.
  13. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 03-02-2006

    :rotfl: :first: context
  14. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 03-01-2006

    POTD! :first: Classic smack!
  15. Nathon Detroit


    Wow, the sequel to the Hollywood blockbuster iROBOT looks awesome! It looks much better than the first movie. CLICK HERE for a preview.
  16. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 02-28-2006

    So I am a day late. :) Still a awesome post! :first: source
  17. Nathon Detroit

    One on One: Calvinism and the immutability of God.

    This thread is dedicated to allowing Hilston to straighten me out on the topic of God's immutability according to Calvinism. In the past Jim has accused me of carelessly plowing over this topic and using false information in the process. I am guessing I am guilty as charged as I tend to only...
  18. Nathon Detroit

    Lynn73 wins TOL motto contest.

    Congratulations to Lynn73 for winning the TOL motto contest with the following entry.... "where we care more about your eternal destiny than about your feelings" Lynn's motto pretty much sums up the TOL mission in a clean and concise way. Lynn's TOL motto will be in place for at least a month...
  19. Nathon Detroit

    TOL Motto Contest

    We are having a TOL motto contest! What is that you ask? Well.... we are going to let all of you be creative and come up with a new motto or slogan for TheologyOnline. The winning motto willl be placed up under the logo where currently it reads.... "...warning people they are going to hell since...
  20. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 01-31-2006

    This one goes down in the DUMBEST POST OF THE DAY category.... On the topic of intelligent Design fool stated... To which I responded... Are ya ready for fools response???? Here it is! And it wins Knight's DPOTD.... DPOTD :first: :rotfl: Did ya get that??? fool claims that if you came across...