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  1. Ask Mr. Religion

    Eternal Functional Subordination of the Son Debate

    In these debates we are told that... “..if we do not have economic subordination, then there is no inherent difference in the way the three persons relate to one another,” such that, if we reject eternal functional subordination (EFS), “we do not have the three distinct persons existing as...
  2. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Justice of God

    Justice is that rectitude of character which leads to the treatment of others in strict accordance with their deserts. God's justice does not differ in any respect of this attribute of God as is seen among His rational creatures. The exception is that God's justice is perfect while that of His...
  3. Ask Mr. Religion

    Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW)...Again

    No. Per the regulative principle of worship, the whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time...
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    Perplexing Bible Passages

    From an ongoing series on perplexing Bible passages: John Currid on Isaiah 65:20 Dan Doriani on Matthew 24:15–16 Miles Van Pelt on Judges 11:29–40 Mark Gignilliant on Exodus 4:24–26 William Ross on Psalm 19:7 Jimmy Agan on Matthew 15:26 Dennis Johnson on Revelation 21:1 Greg Beale on...
  5. Ask Mr. Religion

    Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW)

    From a conservative Presbyterian perspective, there is no such support: Web version: We should all follow...
  6. Ask Mr. Religion

    Some Misunderstand the term "biblicism"

    The Just Me and My Bible proponent lays claim to biblicism not really understanding what the term even means. All Reformed agree with biblicism, but not anti-historicist biblicism. Likewise, all Reformed agree with historicism, but not anti-biblicist historicism. The reformed tradition is...
  7. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    I am afraid you are on your own here. The enemy of my enemy is my friend simply does not apply. ;) BTW, you can check the Spoiler section at the link in my earlier post above that covers the specific point well enough for starters. AMR
  8. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Open Theism and Conspiracy Theorists Open Theism and Conspiracy Theorists Explains a great deal. Sigh. :AMR: I couldn't resist. AMR
  9. Ask Mr. Religion

    Born Again versus Regeneration Strictly Speaking

    When speaking with the non-Calvinist, the use of regeneration often leads to confusion as they are accustomed to the phrase "born again". What follows teases out the proper distinctions in hopes that we avoid talking past one another. Jerry, When I speak of regeneration I often follow it with...
  10. Ask Mr. Religion

    Justification Implies No Congruent Merit on Our Part

    A regular anti-Calvinist rant begins as follows. Read the full post to see how congruent merit is smuggled into a good start. So far, so good, Robert. You stray as soon as you start implying faith is the cause of our justification. It is not. Faith is a condition of our justification. Your...
  11. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    FYI: AMR
  12. Ask Mr. Religion

    Reconciling Apparent Contradictions - Repentance

    Following my discussion of regeneration, the not unexpected rejoinder was offered up: Luke 13:3 is no more false than is Acts 11:18: "When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, 'Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.' "...
  13. Ask Mr. Religion

    "All men" Verses Usual Suspects Appealed to for Indefinite Atonement

    Appeals to the usual "all men" verses by the anti-Calvinist are easily met with reasoned interpretative skills. For example, The word “all” does not refer to all men who have existed, do exist, and will exist, but rather to all those who are under discussion in each individual text. You want...
  14. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    New Age Moonbeams...sigh. AMR
  15. Ask Mr. Religion

    "Romanism" is Normative not Pejorative, Except to the Overly Sensitive

    The term Romanist is not normally used as a pejorative, despite the claims of the Roman Catholic. Indeed, you should not. Romanist is but a normative term for Roman Catholics, just as Calvinist is a loose synonym for the Reformed that espouse a particular view of the doctrines of grace, among...
  16. Ask Mr. Religion

    Open Theism - What Do I Think About It?

    As some may know, the site here at TOL is owned and populated by plenty of open theists, including Bob Enyart, a pastor at Denver Bible Church. I often am asked what I think about open theism. My answer, too long to post in a blog, appears here...
  17. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Gospel Is Not Just A Sentence

    Despite the claim of others, there is but one Gospel. In a fast food society that likes just snippets it is wrong to assume that but the concise summary of the Gospel in 1 Cor 15 is the only time that Paul calls something "the Gospel". For example, the entire letter of Romans is repeatedly...
  18. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Anti-Calvinist's Definition of Predestination

    What follows is an example of the typical anti-Calvinist's view of predestination. The typical anti-Calvinist will argue: Anti-Calvinist's such as the above have their very own version of predestination...
  19. Ask Mr. Religion

    Genesis - A Literal Account of Creation

    Some serious hermeneutical hopscotch is needed to deny the literal meaning of the six days. 1. The ordinance of the Sabbath is now doubtful if six days is not literal (Ex. 20:11). 2. If the First Adam is allegorical, then the Second Adam is as well. 3. A literal Adam is required in Romans. 4...
  20. Ask Mr. Religion

    Hear The Word of God or Judge the Word of God?

    When we approach holy Scripture we must make a choice—we either stand to be judged by the Word of God, or we sit in judgment upon it. When I am confronted with conflicting versions of Scripture translations, I am compelled to make a choice, for I believe the holy scriptures are to be read with...