Search results

  1. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-20-03

  2. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-19-03
  3. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-18-03

    :chuckle: :thumb:
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-14-03

    Excellent! :thumb:
  5. Poly

    More garbage reporting from CBS!

    The title of the story is "A dark side to homeschooling". Of course they couldn't title it something like "Tragedy in a Small Town". They had to make referrence to the homeschooling as if IT were the cause of all this...
  6. Poly

    Stupid requirement for homeschooler taking drivers test

    My son had to pass a reading proficiency test before he could take his driver's test since he was homeschooled. HELLLLLOOOOO???!!! If he can pass the written part of the test, doesn't that mean he can read? What a waste! :nono:
  7. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-08-03
  8. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-07-03

  9. Poly

    Vote for your favorite new smilie

    We've had some great smilies join TOL in the last month. Which is your favorite?
  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-05-03

    The following image was actually attatched by Tye Porter
  11. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-03-03

    Context here
  12. Poly

    What kind of interaction do you have at TOL?

    What kind of interaction do we have here at TOL? People who mostly read the threads, post more than they read or equally engage in both.
  13. Poly

    Was God loving in stigmatizing?

    In the bible, God is big on stigmatizing. Does this mean He wasn't loving? Our world is full of wickedness today with no shame. For example a mom having children out of wedlock has become no big thing. The bible would refer to her as a whore or a harlot. Nobody wanted this title due to the...
  14. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-01-03

    Ok, I picked this one for several reasons. First, I like Lucky's new found word "grammagination" and second, because he put good use to a smiley(I don't know, is this a word?)which I happened to be a tad partial to. :D :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO:
  15. Poly

    Disrespect of TOL Will NOT be tolerated.

    There have been several on here who are making it a habit of disrespecting TOL, it's Administration, moderators and it's fellow members. This will not be tolerated. Some of you have already been warned. We have never and will never stand idly by and allow this to happen. For the ones who...
  16. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-28-03

  17. Poly

    Poly's pick09-24-03

    Excellent! :thumb:
  18. Poly

    A different look at socialization

    It seems that the question most often asked of homeschooling parents is "What about socialization??" Well, what about it? Two women meet at a playground, where their children are swinging and playing ball. The women are sitting on a bench watching. Eventually, they begin to talk. ... W1: Hi...
  19. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-19-03

    Brilliant!! :thumb:
  20. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-16-03

    I usually don't like to post a POTD this early but I can't imagine finding a better one than this one. AWESOME!!!! :first: