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  1. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-17-04

    :first: Context
  2. Poly

    Poly's pick 15-13-04

    :first: SMACK
  3. Poly

    How do you view God?

    Here is a post by Clete from another thread, describing his view of God. I agree with Clete's view. I'm sick of Him being made out to be a wimp or a good ol' grandpa in the sky. Yes His is loving but He is also rightous, just and holy. He cannot look upon sin and expects the same from us...
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-12-04

    :first: Awesome! :up: Context
  5. Poly

    Was God loving for stigmatizing people?

    Was God loving when he stigmatized certain people? For example, He called women who sold their bodies, harlots. Of course today it isn't nice or politically correct to label people as they once were. A child born out of wedlock was really looked down upon and called a very derogatory name...
  6. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-11-04

    :first: Context
  7. Poly

    Poly's Pick 05-10-04

    :thumb: :first: context
  8. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-08-04

  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-07-04

    :thumb: context
  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 05-04-04

  11. Poly

    Mean TOL members

    There are some really mean people on this board. They don't care enough about unbelievers to warn them of the destruction that awaits them. They lie to them and lead them down the wrong path saying such things as "God loves everybody". Psalm 5:5 "...Thou hatest all workers of iniquity" Psalm...
  12. Poly

    Poly's pick 04-27-04

    Nice truthsmacking! :up: context
  13. Poly

    Chemical car competion at TU

    Our homeschool group, WHaT (Westside Homeschooled Teens), participated in a Chemical Car Competion held at TU. Here's a picture of their car along with their poster describing such things as how their car was powered, the design of the car and safety features.
  14. Poly

    Great practice tests

    Here's a great link if you are interested in taking various practice tests. This was a big help to my son in preparing for the ACT this year.
  15. Poly

    Saved from what, exactly?

    Many Christians, when witnessing, ask the question "Are you saved?" but saved from what? Vote on how how you feel this question is best answered and feel free to expand if you voted "other".
  16. Poly

    Poly's fruitcake POTD

    :doh: :freak: :kookoo: :hammer: (Way to expose him, Lucky!) :thumb: context
  17. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-03-04

    :first: Great post! And great job in your comparison, exposing the NIV! :thumb: context
  18. Poly

    If we bought groceries the way we buy public education

    Here's a thought provoking article on public education.
  19. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-02-04

    :first: context
  20. Poly

    Homeschool magazine link

    A link to nation wide homeschooling news-