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  1. Poly

    Seven Lies About Homeschoolers

    Any homeschoolers out there able to relate? xJHt-m3VX6o
  2. Poly

    I wonder if Bruce Jenner had a nice "Mother's Day"

    No doubt this hideous creature tried to celebrate Mother's Day this year. That thing is so ugly it makes me wanna puke!
  3. Poly

    After being away for a while, Nosey Poly makes a comeback!!

    Yes, it's that time again. And you ol' timers who have been through my nosey threads before must admit, it's been a long time coming. (btw, you can answer some or all if you like) What items are on the top shelf of your refrigerator door? What were the last 5 items you bought at the...
  4. Poly

    Giving out rep

    Seems like several years back we were big on encouraging people to give reps. Lets see if we can't get that going again in a big way. IF you see a good post, don't just let it go... give it a rep. :up:
  5. Poly

    Poly's Post of the Day

    Post Excellent! :up:
  6. Poly

    My favorite coffee mug of all time

    This is my favorite coffee mug of all time. Except for my TOL mug of course that I bought years ago and still have.
  7. Poly

    Another Great Homeschool

    The is a great site where you can get help teaching and get help keeping your kids records.
  8. Poly

    OK, all you ol' time homeschoolers.....

    What advice would you give a new family considering homeschooling. Me? Well, I'm fortunate enough to live in a state where the laws concerning homeschooling are very lenient. Probably the most lenient in the country so I would check your laws out first. I would also tell them to try not to...
  9. Poly

    More pics of the granddaughters

    Well, I can already tell I'm gonna be one of those grandmas (Nana) who bore people with pics of their grandkids but.... Oh well. :D More pics of Preslee and Alayna.
  10. Poly

    Just found out son number three is getting married!!

    Our 3rd son Nathan, 23, just told us last night that he's going to propose to his girlfriend. Her name is Kristen and they met at work. He's already got the ring, he's just trying to find the right time and way to propose. :banana: She's as sweet as a peach. We couldn't be happier. We...
  11. Poly

    Khan Acadamy

    This is an awesome site, especially if you're a homeschool family strapped for money for curriculum. It's totally free and they have videos of teachers at a black board ready to teach your child. It's been a tremendous help for us and thought it would be a good resource to put on here for...
  12. Poly

    Government School are Evil and were Developed from the pit of Hell

    If the fact that evolution and other evil things are taught in our schools aren't bad enough, playing Russian Roulette with your kids is abusive. We have got to shut down Government Schools once and for all. People wake up!! Your kid is just another brick in the wall. 1950s July 22, 1950...
  13. Poly

    My daughter's sketches.. Part 2

    Couldn't fit them all in the first post so here are a few more that she's done. It's hard for me to pick a favorite but I think it's the eye.
  14. Poly

    Some of my daughter's sketches

    These are some of my daughter, Mackenzie's, sketches. I'm such a proud mom. Hope Knight doesn't mind me using a great theology site just to show off a parent's pride and joy. :D And btw, she's only 15 and she never took one art/sketch lesson. And most of what she does she can do with in an hour.
  15. Poly

    I'm out of the hospital...again

    Just wanted to let you guys know I'm still alive and kickin and ready to keep taking TOL but I just got out of the hospital. Feeling much better.
  16. Poly


    My dad took my mom to the urgent care center yesterday. She couldn't hardly breathe and she had 105 temp. All of us kids kept telling him he needed to take her to the Emergency Room but she didn't want to go. Well as soon as she was seen they immediately rushed her by ambulance to the E.R...
  17. Poly

    Homeschooling magazine

    Here's a site to order a homeschooling magazine that may be helpful to some. Link
  18. Poly

    How to create a Homeschool transcript

    Here's just one helpful site but if you google how to do this, there are tons of helpful sites out there. We actually just made our own for our older three boys and formatted it the way we saw fit. Link
  19. Poly

    Let's Just Breathe

    Well, I just got out of the hospital, again. YUCK! Anyway, doing better, slowly but surely. NarrowWay, is taking such good care of me. I think he's taking better care of me than all the techs, nurses, and Doctor's combined. This is a great song that has a lot of meaning to me. Pearl Jam is...