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  1. Poly

    Article: Nancy Reagan Dead at 94

    You can view the page at
  2. Poly

    Things Everybody is Thinking but Nobody Want's To Say

    Everybody's thinking.... "Not keeping score in young kids' sports for the sake of not wanting to upset them is stupid!" "Why are all these kids getting trophies including the losers? Now they get to grow up thinking their entitled to everything."
  3. Poly

    Anybody else sick of the supposed race issue?

    I've definitely had my fill of the losers claiming racism where there is none and I'm tired of how it seems people are being held hostage, feeling they must remain silent. If you voice an opinion in opposition, you're automatically racist. Why do they do this? Because they want there to be a...
  4. Poly

    Public Schools Aren't Broken. Destroying Children is what they were designed to do.

    A must read by Greg Perry. (Anything by Greg Perry is a must read.)
  5. Poly

    Why Did the Chicken Cross the TOL Road?

    (Saw something along this lines today.) Why Did the Chicken Cross the TOL Road? Clete: "How do you know he did? Did you actually see him cross it? Saying it doesn't make it so." Beloved57: "He was predestined to. He's predestined for hell too." Trump: "He was running a race with a...
  6. Poly

    False Beliefs of Christians Because they Refuse to Know Their Bibles

    So many cliches and false ideas that are unbiblical have been spewed out of the mouths of Christians for soooooooo long, it gets so irritating. This one in particular has really been getting on my nerves lately. "Christians MUST forgive, always. No matter what." ---FALSE "Take heed to...
  7. Poly

    13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

    I knew I should have taken an extra blood pressure pill before I went to see this last night. One of the first things I will humbly ask the Lord if I can participate in upon reaching heaven is may I please be a part of being able to throw the book at Hillary Clinton on judgment day? I...
  8. Poly

    That's Pretty Punny

    Punny threads seam fun sew I started one. :wazzup:
  9. Poly

    I Lost My Mom/Calvinism is worse than Scum on the Bottom of a Dung Beatles Shoe

    So I lost my mom a few weeks ago. Hardest thing I've ever had to go through. If I have to hear one more time, from one more person, about how it was her time, how God took her, how her days were predestined and it was just her time to go, I think I'm going to smack dab punch them right dead...
  10. Poly

    Getting to know you

    Just a thread for nosy people on TOL. (No theology or politics to see here...move along.) 1. What was the last movie you saw? Was it good? 2. What was the last thing you bought at the store? 3. What is your favorite Christmas song? 4. Do you have a holiday family tradition? 5. What...
  11. Poly

    Misheard lyrics

    Ever realize one day that you've been singing the lyrics wrong to a particular song? Or ever know of somebody who did? What was it? And if you haven't, what's a song who's lyrics might be funny or maybe even more appropriate if it were sung differently? When my husband was little, they used...
  12. Poly

    Why have you given financially to TOL?

    For those who have ever donated financially to TOL over the years, what was your biggest reason/s for giving? Examples could be, great place for.... theology discussions, "sharpening iron", keeping up on current events, getting together with like-minded people, etc.
  13. Poly

    A warm welcome please for our newest member and my daughter.....

    .....Black Rainbow!! (aka, Poly Truthsmacker, Jr.) :the_wave: :banana: :guitar: :jump: :singer: :drum: :wave2: :wazzup: :BRAVO: :the_wave:
  14. Poly

    The Unofficial "Mocking T.V. Evangelists" thread

    jNCR6PZ4-oA "We've seen midgets grow!" There's a lot of "ShamalamadingdongYabbadabbadoo" going on but you'll hear it in there somewhere.
  15. Poly

    County Clerk Resigns Instead of Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

  16. Poly

    Don't Stay In School

    I'm a homeschooling mom of 23 years ago. Except for a maybe a few iffy parts, this explains a big reason of why we chose to educate our kids ourselves. 8xe6nLVXEC0
  17. Poly

    I'm Going to be a Nana, again!!!

    Grandbaby #3 is on his/her way. :banana: :the_wave:
  18. Poly

    The "Unoffical TOL '80's Thread"

    Ok, all you children of big hair and watchers of original MTV videos. This is the "Unofficial TOL '80's Thread." It's all about the '80's, people. Let's do this thing! :banana: I'm going to start it off with the first video I ever remember seeing. Yes, I'm now a grandmother and can...
  19. Poly

    For all you TOL Old Timers...which Truthsmackers do you miss?

    When I think about how long Knight has kept up this site, it really humbles me. And it makes me think of all the great TOL members from back in the day. Not that there aren't great TOL members now, but I miss some of the old timers. Which old timer/s do you miss the most. A couple come...
  20. Poly

    16 Successful People Who Were Homeschooled

    Here's 16 successful people who were homeschooled.