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    Sacrifices not needed

    Micah told the people that God's demands are clear and simple: “He has told thee, man, what is good, and what God requires of thee: only to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8 Beautiful and simple verses from a just God.
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    He is the propitiation for our sins 2

    >>> Notice Lev. 1:3 it was not a command, it start with (IF). Offering a korban for unintentional sin was an option and was not a command. God said He never command or required anyone to offer a sacrifices to atone for intentional sins.
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    >> God denied he told anyone such a thing. Jeremiah 7:22. Countless of times all the prophets told the Jews to abandon this act . Do you think if it was from God the prophets will disapproved? Of course not Look what Jesus did at John 2:13-16. If it was from God do you think he’ll condemn it?
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    I and millions like me were told the reason Jesus died was to correct what Adam did when he disobeyed God and cause the separation between us and God. If you believe this man made theory you’ll think Jesus will mention Adam at least once in his 33 years on earth, did he? Never Jesus almost...
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    >>>If he was beating , suffer, stoned to death or any kind of death is not the point no argument from me. The question is: did God sent him to be a sacrifice so he will be pleased with us? No. Because God, the prophets and Jesus hate sacrifices and they never command such acts The Jewish...
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    >>>Keep going to verse 13:Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram[a] caught by its horns.(Z) He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son God hates human and animals sacrifices if it was his son or Abraham son, it just doesn’t make sense...
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    >>>Agree. The complex when we have another God next to our creator. But we make it hard on ourselves when God told us no one next to him and nothing on earth and heaven looks like him. And when Jesus told us : My God in heaven the only one worth of worship, and I Jesus depend on him from A to Z...
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    >>>When we look at the above verse, the writer quote the OT law regarding the unintentional sins only as penalty for committing these little sin. Blood never cover any sins committed intentionally . Covering the sins with blood of any kind is man made doctrine. God, the prophets and Jesus...
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    Marke answer: is God who explained to humans that a blood sacrifice had to be made to atone) >>>Thank you. Would you please lead me to where God command such thing?
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    Thank you, Unfortunately none of the above comes close to answer my question. I Have no problem with the suffering and the killing of the messiah just like the suffering and killing of prophets before him. The apostles of Jesus were shocked and angry at the Jews to know he was killed , why...
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    Where does this idea of God, son of God or any man must die for us to be save originate ? Did God command or requested? Did the prophets were aware of it? Did Jesus preach it?
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    We all agree Jesus was 100% man who depend on his God on all of his doing and saying. Q: at what time Jesus was 100% God who depend not on his God to do and say anything ? Ps: remember Jesus said: All authorities on earth and heaven are giving to me. So you may look at other planet!