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  1. J

    Christianity Is A Faith.

    Christianity Is A Faith And Not An Intellectual Philosophical System Based Upon Rationalism And Empiricism. Start quote. "Henry Dodwell argues that matters of religious faith lie outside the determination of reason. God could not possibly have intended that reason should be the faculty to lead...
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    Alvin Plantinga's Free Will Defense Regarding The Problem Of Evil:

    Man's Free Will is responsible for all the evil in the would. God created a perfect world. God created perfect human beings. God gave human beings a Free Will. Human beings used their Free Will to choose to do evil. Human beings choosing to do evil is the reason we have natural disasters and...
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    Atheism And Ceasing To Exist Oblivion.

    JAGG Writes: When you die, is that the end of you? Or do you continue to live on and on somewhere after you die? Atheists answer those questions as follows: Some atheists say they do not know if humans cease to exist after death, that there may be an afterlife. Many other atheists say that...
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    The Pharisees Tried To Kill The Evidence, Literally.

    Some unbelievers say if they had sufficient evidence they would believe in Christianity and become Christians. Here below is a clear instance of some people that had clear compelling empirical evidence that rose to the certainty-level of 2 + 2 = 4 --- and what did they do with this evidence...
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    Is There Any Such Thing As An Atheist?

    This particular Opening Post is addressed ONLY to Christians. Of course Atheists are welcome to comment. Christians, We can not know for certain that there is any such thing as an atheist. Just because some men say they lack belief in the existence of God does not mean that they actually DO...
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    27 New Testament Guidelines For Living Life Listed All In One Place: Romans 12:9-21

    {1} Love must be sincere. {2} Hate what is evil. {3} Cling to what is good. {4} Be devoted to one another in love. {5} Honor one another above yourselves. {6} Never be lacking in zeal {7} Keep your spiritual fervor. {8} Serve the Lord. {9} Be joyful in hope. {10} Be patient in affliction. {11}...
  7. J

    Is The Christian Church Now A "Little Flock" ? NO.

    Do these three Bible verses teach that Christians are now, and will be in the future, few in numbers? No! (A) Luke 12:32's "little flock" (B) Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" (C) Matthew 22:14's "many are invited, but few are chosen" Why not few in numbers? Because there are well over...
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    Proposition: There Is No Compelling Argument For A Future Antichrist.

    Says Dr. Loraine Boettner ". . . not one single reference in Daniel or Ezekiel or Paul or the Book of Revelation . . . which (some) allege refer to the Antichrist is connected in any way with the verses in the epistles of John that mention the antichrist. All is based on inference. Let the...
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    Job: God And Human Suffering.

    My view is that we Christians need to be straight forward about the fact that the Bible clearly says that God both ALLOWS and INFLICTS severe troubles on human beings. ` If we consider everything the Bible says about God and His long term Plan for humanity, we will have to conclude that the...
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    Good Arguments: (Certainty vs. Probability)

    I greatly appreciate Christian Apologetics and I do believe that God uses our "defense of the faith" efforts to bring the unsaved to know Him as their personal Savior. However there are limits to what can be established with secular arguments. ` I therefore post this Opening Post. ` An...
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    Being Forgiven

    "Rosalind Goforth was a well-known missionary to China who, along with her husband Jonathan, enjoyed an illustrious career and ministry. But for many years even having labored for the Lord in China, Rosalind often felt oppressed by a burden of sin. She felt guilty and dirty, nursing an inward...
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    Growing Our Faith

    ` This morning I was reading The Red Sea Rules: 10 God-Given Strategies For Difficult Times by Robert J. Morgan and came across a short passage on faith building: Here tis: Says Morgan: "Lord, increase our faith, Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief" I've often uttered these prayers...
  13. J

    Will Only A Few Human Beings Be Saved? No.

    I hold the view that there will be, NOT a few, but rather untold billions of people that will be born into the stream of history as the millenniums roll forward, and that these untold billions will become Christians. Here is one argument to support my position: (I have more arguments coming)...
  14. J

    America Needs A Larger And More Powerful Military.

    Dick Cheney and daughter Liz Cheney co authored Exceptional: Why The World Needs A Powerful America. In chapter six, Disarming America, they make the following points: "In the seventy years since World War II, no American president has done more damage to our nation's defense than Barack Obama...
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    The Movie Avatar Was Interesting And Thought Provoking.

    My friend Tom was suprised that I found the movie Avatar interesting and thought provoking. Tom found it to be "a tired old plot dressed up and looking gorgeous." I replied: It was a tired old plot with regard to making the Na'vi into a typical victim group being exploited by the greedy...
  16. J

    Hello, Its Nice To Be Here.

    I'm JAGG and its nice to be here with my fellow Christians. I am looking forward to getting to know you and to learning a lot from you, and perhaps making some contributions to the ongoing conversation. I would describe myself first as a Christian, secondly as a Christian family man, and...