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  1. Poly

    A little comedy break....

    The comments on these had me laughing till I was crying. 😂😂 “This is the sound I was trying to explain to my mechanic, that my car makes when I start it up.” Another said, “This is what I sound like when I try to eat a hot pocket right out of the microwave.” I must have watched this thing a...
  2. Poly

    Eternal suffering is not Literal

    Hi James27 Years ago, I used to be miserable, wondering if I could lose my salvation. It wasn’t until I went to Bob Enyart’s seminar on “The Tree” that I was finally free of worrying about this. Talk about a clear understanding that I’m saved no matter what. In fact, once I realized this, it...
  3. Poly

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Wouldn’t it have been easier for Him to just say, He reconciled **some*** to Himself? He reconciled ****the chosen*** to Himself? He reconciled the ****elect**** to Himself? Why say *the world*? We know He says He’s not the author of confusion. Why would He want to make this confusing?
  4. Poly

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    2 Corinthians 5:19 “That is, that God was in Christ RECONCILING THE ****WORLD****TO HIMSELF, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” (Beloved57 says these words do not mean what the say in 3….2….1)
  5. Poly

    God is Sovereign! What did she say?

    God is sovereign, whether you want to believe it or not. I absolutely hold to this. What I will not hold to is the warped idea that people have over the term sovereign. I always give this scenario of what I know to be true of God’s real sovereignty. It’s like a father who is sovereign over his...
  6. Poly

    Hi to all

    Welcome to the jungle!!
  7. Poly

    The Newest Member of our Family

    Thank you!
  8. Poly

    The Newest Member of our Family

    Shiloh Jay 9-9-22 8lb 10 oz
  9. Poly

    The time has come...

    I can’t believe how many people in my parents’ generation said they received vaccines or boosters in school and the parents were not informed.
  10. Poly

    What Are You Listening To Now VII

    Doctors once told a mother that her child in her womb would face extreme difficulty and that her life was at risk in carrying this child to term. They strongly recommended she terminate her pregnancy and kill her baby. She insisted she would not do that. I believe his being blind only enhanced...
  11. Poly

    Make TOL Great Again

    Ahh, you’ve always been a blessing, Ktoyou.
  12. Poly

    Funny/Cringe childhood stories

    Speaking of funny things that happened in the car when we were little, we had a an old Baha VW bug and there were 4 of us kids. No way 4 of us were going to fit in the back seat. Although we did sit in each other’s lap sometimes. But mostly we just fought over who got to lay up in the back...
  13. Poly

    A little comedy break....
  14. Poly

    Pet Peeves

    Beloved57 posting the same thing for the 2,156th time.
  15. Poly

    Does man naturally have ability to Seek God ?

    Yes. Next…..
  16. Poly

    Does man have a freewill ?

    Yes. Next…
  17. Poly

    A little comedy break....

    That’s gold!😂😂
  18. Poly

    Never thought I’d side with an atheist

    Exactly. Sometimes atheists/non Christian’s are actually borrowing from what we stand on to make a point. No I haven’t read it but it sounds very interesting. I’ll give it a go.
  19. Poly

    Living life upside down

    These lyrics are so prevalent for today. But it shouldn’t be a question of “what if?” Because there is no question that it’s true. John has a new way of looking at life He's tired of his job, his kids and his wife Says the secret to his success Was in leaving and finding himself Now he's...
  20. Poly

    Never thought I’d side with an atheist

    Sorry. I guess that was pretty bummy to expect people would have the time to watch the whole thing to get what I mean. But I do recommend it if you do have the time. To try and sum it up, the atheist is saying, if White’s God of the Bible (predestined people to hell) is true then the New...