Search results

  1. Daniel1769

    I Don't Vote

    I don't vote. I'm not one who doesn't vote because I'm uninformed or apathetic. I pay attention to what's going on. I read a lot, and I watch documentaries. I'm interested in all sorts of subjects. But I also don't bombard my mind with hours of talk radio or 24 hour news stations every day...
  2. Daniel1769

    ECT Any Independent Baptists On TOL?

    Just curious how many Independent Baptists are on TOL. If you are Independent Baptists, what other doctrines do you hold? Are you KJV Only? Soul Winning? Pre-trib or post-trib?
  3. Daniel1769

    You Want a Master? You'll Get One.

    To my knowledge, there is not a single candidate that advocates abolishing the federal income tax, IRS or Federal Reserve. Every candidate is arguing about how much of your money they will steal. Do you want them to steal more, slightly less or a flat amount? No one is saying they don't want...
  4. Daniel1769

    Judaism's Symbol of Satan

    The six pointed star called the "star of David." It is a symbol of Judaism. It is on the Israeli flag which many Christian churches display as well. Is this the star of King David? There is no star associated with David in the Bible. And to the best of my research, it is not found in the...
  5. Daniel1769

    Survey for Judaism Followers

    Survey for Judaism followers on TOL. answer "yes" or "no." If you have the boldness. 1. Did God create the world in six days? 2. Adam and Eve. Literal people who existed in history as the first people on earth? 3. Noah's flood. Did it literally happen in history as described in...
  6. Daniel1769

    Mmm, Bengals. Your Tears Are Delicious

    A borning first half turned into one of the wildest second halves I''ve ever seen. When Ben was hurt and being carted off the field, Bengals fans cheered and threw trash at him. I only recall seeing this once before in all my years watching football. Burfict picked off Landry Jones late in...
  7. Daniel1769

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Urantia alien sci-fi nonsense. There aren't any aliens.
  8. Daniel1769

    Does the Sun Move According to the Bible?

    The idea of the the sun standing still in the sky seems so well established that the idea of questioning this notion seems laughable. Absurd. Utterly ridiculous and stupid. After all, the scientists say the sun is sitting there with the earth flying around it at about 67,000 miles per hour...
  9. Daniel1769

    Why Would God Bless America Today?

    I'm glad to live in the United States. It's a pretty comfortable place in which to reside. But most people allow their patriotism and partisanship to blind them. America pretty much leads the world in violence, war, pornography, drugs, abortion, homosexuality, adultery, divorce, and...
  10. Daniel1769

    The Sinless and the Obedient Roll Call

    Just taking a survey. If you do not sin and obey every commandment, post "Me." I see many posts here with people saying that a requirement for salvation is that you get sin out of your life and are obedient to God's commandments. Not that God will punish you on this earth if you break...
  11. Daniel1769

    Daniel1611. Can't login. New name.

    Hey all. This is the former Daniel1611 Just so you know, I'm not trying to go under a new name. I logged out if the TOL app on Wednesday and I can't sign in again. I keep getting invalid password and it doesn't recognize my email to reset it. Maybe I set this account up with an old email...