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  1. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Not sure I'm following you. The person of Jesus is God in the flesh. His person is God, in a "body prepared for Him". He does not have two minds, natures, or wills. We have to understand what it means for Jesus to not grasp equality with God, by us being able to grasp what His humanity entails...
  2. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Jesus, who is God in the flesh, is the only man who has the life to give to redeem man. It's not complicated at all, except for those who refuse to believe who Jesus is and what He has done.
  3. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    He can and He did. Don't make the same mistake of the reformers who deny that God was in Christ when the world was being reconciled. A correct and Biblical understanding of what "death" means will clear up all confusion. Death is separation. Adam died the day he ate. He was separated from the...
  4. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    I define death and human the same way the Bible defines them, and in both cases, YOU have no clue what they mean. But, I will give you another opportunity to read the Bible and find out what they mean. Perhaps then you will no longer be a moron, and will come to understand why Jesus is God who...
  5. OZOS

    Jesus is God !

    Jesus says that if you have seen Him you have seen God. Only a moron can claim that Jesus did not claim to be God.
  6. OZOS

    Jesus is God !

    Jesus said it, you moron. Are you now denying that the Father is God? "If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father (God) also: and from henceforth ye know him (God), and have seen him (God). Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father (God), and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto...
  7. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Utter nonsense. The Bible is filled with evidence that Jesus is God, that He (God) died on the cross, for our sins, including YOURS, which calls Jesus a liar when He said He is God. You have no clue what death is, just as those before you who nailed God to the cross.
  8. OZOS

    Jesus is God !

    Christ is God. God is Christ. If you have seen Christ, you have seen God.
  9. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    I think you're asking too much of him.
  10. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    God died on the cross.
  11. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Define a human.
  12. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Nonsense. You have both been exposed as false teachers with a false gospel. You pervert God's word by taking what it says about Jews and Gentiles and attributing it to individuals. Calvinism / reformed theology is a doctrine of demons, and you are both greatly influenced by Satan's religion.
  13. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    You don't know the Truth, and sadly, He does not know you.
  14. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    False. You are liar, like your father, the devil. Again, in order for you to hold to your doctrine of demons, you pervert the word of God from describing Jews and Gentiles to individuals. ALL cults do this, being elitists, who do not understand God's word or the gospel. "Then Paul and Barnabas...
  15. OZOS

    Jesus is God !

    "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" The context of Col 1:15-18 is Jesus. "He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him (Jesus) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether...
  16. OZOS

    Another tally of anti-trinitarian threads

    You're denying...
  17. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia" Israelites.
  18. OZOS

    Another tally of anti-trinitarian threads

    Liar. What you meant to say is, you haven't seen it once. The blind never do.
  19. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    False. The elect are those who have believed, for they have been elected to receive all that God has for those who are His. They are no longer dead, but now have His life. They are no longer slaves of sin, but slaves of righteousness. They are no longer children of wrath, but children of the...
  20. OZOS

    Jesus is God !

    Jesus said that the Father is God. Jesus also said that if you have seen Him, you have seen God (the Father). He corrects His disciples who asked to see God by claiming to be the One they are looking for.