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  1. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    I'm sure you understand that Jesus was born under the Law, taught under the Law, to those who were under the Law, and that the gospel preached unto the nation of Israel is not the same as the gospel by which we are saved after the cross, right?
  2. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    What did the thief on the cross give up? Repentance is not about turning from sin to be saved. Repentance is turning to Jesus who died for our sins. Repenting from sins, for salvation, is a false gospel. It's blasphemous.
  3. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Okay, but I'm just asking how you arrived at the idea that someone must "repent from his sins" to be saved? I agree that people are to turn to God for salvation, but the phrase "repent from sins" is something entirely different. I think most people who hear that will think they have to do...
  4. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    You seem like a solid believer, and have added some great posts to this site. And I'm not looking to make a point of contention, but could you share some verses that would support your statement that someone must "repent of his sins" to be saved? Thanks.
  5. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Great talking with you. I am all for behavior modification, as long as it is never connected with someone thinking that it makes them "more like Jesus". I think that would make them delusional. I also believe that everyone's behavior should be modified, whether they know Jesus or not. For the...
  6. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Are you saying that being like Jesus is attained through behavior modification? Being encouraged to improve or exhibit good behavior is peppered throughout the NT, but in no place does it tell us that doing so will make us "more like Jesus". The apostle Paul tells us how we are to walk... "As...
  7. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    The same heresy that Jerry Shugart spreads. This is a direct contradiction of the gospel, which is why no Calvinist has eternal life. You two clowns will both experience eternal separation from God. Jesus died for OUR sins is an essential foundation to the Gospel message. To exclude His once...
  8. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    The Lord Jesus knows that You are a liar, a con man, and a coward. Answer the question, you pervert... How does Jesus give eternal life?
  9. OZOS

    The Holy spirit or just holy spirit?

    There is a difference between the Holy Spirit being with/on someone for a specific task, and being in someone to give them eternal life. John 20:22 is the former. David asked that the Holy Spirit not be taken from him. The Spirit was on Moses, the Prophets, etc. This is the same case here. "So...
  10. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    No, you retard, everyone knows that YOU are stupid, and can't read a simple text where Jesus is claiming who it is that gives them eternal life. Sorry to hear that you failed middle school grammar. "I give unto them eternal life" - Jesus Because your brain is stuck in dung, you intentionally...
  11. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    Already went over all this with you, and what has been proven is that you're a moron. Jesus is the One who gives them eternal life. You lack basic reading comprehension skills, and no one can help that you're stupid. It is impossible to have eternal life without being indwelt by the Holy...
  12. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    The "pervert" is you. "And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death,for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For where there is a testament, there must also...
  13. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    Stop hijacking every thread, you pathetic loser.
  14. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    (y) I have considered that Jesus was referring to a time that has yet to take place. I'll research it more. I tend to not go too crazy on everything Jesus said has nothing to do with the mystery (not saying that you do), and I often think Jesus at least gave reference to salvation by grace...
  15. OZOS

    A New York State of crime

  16. OZOS

    Romans 3:30

    While it is true that even Paul uses "by faith" in the context to show how all men are justified, his point is to also express the difference between Jews and Gentiles, in that the former turned from the Law to faith, and the latter came solely by way of faith, apart from the Law. This is a very...
  17. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    You idiot, inclusion in a statement does not equate to exclusion in every other statement. "I invited my family to the wedding" does not mean, I did not invite anyone else. You are clearly not smart enough to be writing or speaking about anything. Next time you consider using Chapstick, try a...
  18. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

  19. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    The issue, dummy, is, which group of people, doing so, did Jesus NOT know, even though they called Him "Lord".
  20. OZOS

    Romans 3:30
