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  1. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    The letter to the Ephesians is written to Gentile believers. Again, you are conflating what you do not understand, and as stubborn as B57 when it comes to learning.
  2. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    Calvin foolishly based his entire theology on the false premise that men are saved by the death of Jesus. Because of that, he logically had to conclude that Jesus could not have died for all men, but only for those He chose, otherwise all men would be saved. Universalists make the same error...
  3. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    "James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings." Not TO you, but FOR you to read about why James wrote it TO the twelve tribes (nation of Israel) scattered abroad.
  4. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    No, it came out of God's word, you moron.
  5. OZOS

    Christian safe-haven in British Columbia

    You made a false statement which cannot be supported by you or by God's word, which is why you can't debate Christian theology. Maybe you should visit a site that talks about unicorns or space aliens.
  6. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    That's not why. God preserved Israel, because it was through them that the Seed would come. So, what is the "promise" that that men receive because of the Promised One? This is not difficult, and it's everywhere in God's word, what salvation is, but most either don't see it, or won't see it.
  7. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

    Don't pour your own convoluted meanings into the text. The only people referred to as "lost" are those of the nation of Israel. All sinners were reconciled to God through His death.
  8. OZOS

    "Do you love me"

    No, it's not. This is why I have asked you to define what salvation is, which you have yet to do correctly. Calvinists are not saved.
  9. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    You and I could have a very lengthy discussion on the Greek here, as to whether it is ξύλον of life or βίβλος of life. In any case, no man who has life no longer has life.
  10. OZOS

    Vaccination progress

  11. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    God's word just said otherwise, but you hate God's word. "In Christ ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, in Whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise" First... Heard the gospel Then... Believed and trusted Then...
  12. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    And THIS is when God determines believers are born of the Spirit... "In Christ ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, in Whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise" First... Heard the gospel Then... Believed and trusted...
  13. OZOS

    "Do you love me"

    Peter was not born of God when he denied Him. No such thing as "spiritual growth". You are either "in the Spirit" or you are "in the flesh". Renewing your mind with the truth is growing in your understanding of who you are in Christ, holy, blameless, righteous, perfect, and complete in Him...
  14. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

    Yes, that's what the verse says. It does not say "the lost world", which is what you said.
  15. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    No, and the verse does not say that God blots anyone's name out of the book of life. It says He doesn't.
  16. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

    The "their" and "them" is "the world". The "us" are those who have the ministry of reconciliation, and are included with those who have been reconciled (the world).
  17. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

    What?? This is what is said... "Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the...
  18. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    Yes, it is, everything in the Bible is for you, but not everything said is to you. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15
  19. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

    Bold was added by you. Don't do that. God's word does not say that.
  20. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    More conflation. Who is James written to, and why?