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  1. Totton Linnet


    I have just now been telling the Lord how much I love Him. It is past 4.00 am and I woke up and it didn't seem like I was going to get back to sleep anytime soon so it just seemed like a good idea to think about the Lord. The times He has rescued me, helped me through really tough times, brought...
  2. Totton Linnet

    So who will run with Trump?

  3. Totton Linnet

    This is Evangelism for blockheads

    Matthew.28.16. Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. Take notice how many disciples there were...just eleven out of all the crowds who had swarmed Him throughout His ministry, many of whom He had declared "saved" but they were not here...
  4. Totton Linnet


    So the referendum has been called for June 23 My instincts are that as usual the British will do whatever the media tells them to do so it will prolly be 2 to 1 in favour of staying in. BUT But you never do know, if per chance the vote was to leave it would mean the break up of the UK for sure.
  5. Totton Linnet

    Understanding Jesu's commands

    He is not laying down laws for us to obey. He is explaining a new way of living which we have come into. He is not saying what we must do, He is showing us what we shall [by the nature of the new birth] become. Nobody can even begin to think about keeping Christ's commands until they are saved...
  6. Totton Linnet

    Salvation is not cheap it is FREE

    If you do not accept God's salvation for FREE you shall not have it. You cannot pay for it neither can you earn it by works of righteousness Salvation by obedience to commands has been found impossible. In order to receive God's salvation for FREE you have to humble yourself greatly because we...
  7. Totton Linnet

    What it's ALL about

    Do you have the life of Christ in your soul today? Does He dwell IN you? I believe theology is important, vital for successful Christian living, gotta bleeve the right things. But this is the only question which answers whether or not you are saved. If you are in the body of Christ, the church.
  8. Totton Linnet

    Any peace but Doser's ....

    What is going on with him?
  9. Totton Linnet

    Last call on the primaries

    It looks like Trump to me and if he can solidify his pledge on universal affordable healthcare you have your next President.
  10. Totton Linnet

    Teddy alert

  11. Totton Linnet

    Is Trump a little like Roosevelt?

    Naw....not Franklyn, Teddy
  12. Totton Linnet

    Sarah Palin endorses Trump

    Sarah Palin endorses Trump
  13. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: Departure cannot possibly mean the removal of the church

    John Nelson Darby was a Dispy but he was not a Mid acts dispy. Certainly he was not the father of it. He is however the modern day father of the pre-trib rapture, it did not originate with him, it originated with the Irvingites. Having failed to get his doctrine past the British theologians...
  14. Totton Linnet

    Help!....I like Donald Trump

    ....I just do
  15. Totton Linnet

    Joos will 'scape the great trib...oh yes

    Daniel. 12.1. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people. And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time. And at that time thy people will be delivered, every one that shall be...
  16. Totton Linnet

    ECT The TRUE way to be holy

    There are holy con artists around, they are like the scammers who try to sell you your own already is yours. But you won't get in and drive it until you KNOW it is yours, here is the key. The only way you can find out what you are is by reading it in God's word...reading and BELIEVING...
  17. Totton Linnet

    Happy birthday Andy C

    It is 12.30 am in England so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY BRO Have a wonderful day
  18. Totton Linnet

    Meditate on the cross

    Isaiah speaking about the Lord said "He is a man of sorrows and one with whom grief is acquainted and we hid as it were our faces from Him I think Christians shy away from thinking about the cross. Don't do that Look steadfastly, meditate the cross, ponder it. I cannot explain how power will...
  19. Totton Linnet

    ECT TOL may cost your life....oh yes

    The first time I signed up to a Christian forum, just a few short years ago, 8 years to be precise God spoke to me. Now I know that upsets a lot of folks and actually on one hand I understand why. Nevertheless God does speak to His people. The scripture says, God speaking, "I will pour My...
  20. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday Nazaroo

    Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)