Recent content by VladtheDestroyer

  1. VladtheDestroyer

    How did Christians fail the man who killed the UnitedHealth CEO?

    We can't know how screwed up his life was, but unless he was insane then obviously this kid had heart. There are over 2 billion of us and we could not help him? One look at us would have only encouraged him all the more to put a bullet in that stupid man's face. We will kiss the backsides of...
  2. VladtheDestroyer

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Why does anybody do anything?
  3. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    While we were busy trying to figure out how many thousands of dollars someone should pay to study the Bible, this baby was getting whacked in the head with a machette by people who came to slaughter Christians in Nigeria. This was on Christmas of last year. Yes. Christmas.
  4. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    I think institutions take power away from Christianity. In the west we build Christian institutions to teach people to fight against other western Christian institutions. While Christians are slaughtered elsewhere in the world.
  5. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    Yes To part of me it seems you are playing too much by "their" rules and not considering the power of God.
  6. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    That's a good point. But even though I might be wrong about some of the things I am saying, there is still something that frustrates me about your last post. Even if I cannot explain why.
  7. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    This is not an attack. I am certain that the people who are most involved with this forum have likely been put up to sacrifice more and have dedicated themselves more and have a better understanding of most things than I have. Actually I am not only certain of this, I know that it this a fact.
  8. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    God is more powerful than the government. No one has the right to charge people to teach them God's word. God's word is strong enough so that those who teach it will be sustained. The Holy Spirit will move people to sustain it. Paul and the early Christians were not sustained by miracles. They...
  9. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    This is such a great point that others are also beginning to raise. Why are Christian colleges charging people $40,000 to study the Bible when they can study it themselves for free at home? We don't need institutions. We are doing it all wrong. There are over 2 billion people in this world who...
  10. VladtheDestroyer

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    I am happy to gamble little bits and pieces of my health and life away, if it helps me to not turn to a life of crime and grieving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sometimes my Christian brothers and mothers whom I have never even met before are put in jail for just for defending innocent lives...
  11. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    It's so obvious. I just can't understand how anyone could argue otherwise.
  12. VladtheDestroyer

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    I didn't want to take it but I am poor and I could not risk losing my job. What lousy luck. ☹️
  13. VladtheDestroyer

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

    Oh no, I took the Johnson & and Johnson vax. Does that mean I am contaminated now? Or was the J&J one safe?
  14. VladtheDestroyer

    Hooray For Pedophilia! In 2006 ICE launched Operation Flicker to investigate a criminal child porn organization that ran a website called "Home Collection". The investigation revealed a list of 5,200 individuals who had purchased CP from them. Once...
  15. VladtheDestroyer

    Occasional-ism “a non-Deistic understanding of the World”

    Our physical brain/bodies might be better understood as limiters. They constrain the perceptive ability of our spirits. Our eyes are perfectly designed to work with our physical bodies and the image we are meant to dwell in. But they were not designed to see ultra-violet light. But once we die...