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  1. VladtheDestroyer

    Anyone ready a 2nd look at Sodom and G?

    Hey there :) I'm still pretty new here, but I've noticed how a lot of your posts, unfortunately, have this type of condescending tone to them. And I think the reason you are doing that is because you had a certain disagreement with maybe several or even most of the other people on this forum...
  2. VladtheDestroyer

    On the omniscience of God

    I just made it through Chris's opening statement and I wanted to thank you real quick for posting this.
  3. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I have no idea. I'm so dumb I can hardly read or write anything. But aren't there like more rules in the greek language that might make it more clear what "these" is referring to, in Jude 6-7, depending on how the sentence is constructed? . 6 And the angels who did not keep their [c]proper...
  4. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    Im not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I am trying! 😅
  5. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    This is what we are debating Ps82! Right now!🤯 And you have already agreed that "sons of God" refers to angels, in Job and in the NT! That's evidence spanning 1000's of years, of people understanding "sons of God" to mean "angels". And then in the NT Jesus says sons of the resurrection are also...
  6. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    If anyone is interested, here's a link to one of the few places I know of on the internet that talks about anisotropic gemstones in the Bible; There are few small mistakes I have found on that page. Whoever wrote it, kinda...
  7. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    That is good point also. Jude does not call these fallen angels "sons of God", he refers to them "as angels which kept not their first estate" Here's Jude 5-7 5 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward...
  8. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I get your point. I'm no expert, but for what it's worth, it's definitely not the worst idea I've ever heard about this issue before. And I think 7djengo7 makes some really good points as well. But for now at least, I'm sticking with the idea that "sons of God" means "angels". I posted some of...
  9. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I think this is a good question. From a quick online Bible search, "sons of men" is used in several books in the Old Testament, including Genesis. And also in a couple places in the NT. So there's that.. I'm no expert. But it seems to me that men are only called sons of God if they are sons...
  10. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I was kinda thinking the same thing at first. Would Adam have to fall off a cliff before he could know that could hurt him? But it's not really the same thing is it? I didn't even know where babies came from until I was like a teenager I guess. Did Adam know where babies come from? Did he...
  11. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    Anyways, you are right! John 17 is just amazing. It's been along time since I've read John actually so I read chapter 17 first thing this morning and it might just be my new favorite chapter in whole Bible now.
  12. VladtheDestroyer


    Thank you all for your nice welcome! 👍
  13. VladtheDestroyer

    The Breath of Life

    Do you support abortion`?
  14. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    I have no idea what this means or why you would think I would think that.
  15. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    Is your idea that the "sons of God" were children that Adam and Eve conceived before they ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
  16. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    It's always the same with these people.
  17. VladtheDestroyer

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I guess your idea is that the "sons of God" were children that Adam and Eve conceived before they ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? I see only 2 answers here: 1) You are wrong. 2) You are correct, but it is not very important because if it was then the Bible would tell us...
  18. VladtheDestroyer

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I - Sept 20, 2024

    My ears always perk up whenever the Bible talks about light. It's just so interesting. Rev 21:23 says Jesus will be the light of the New Jerusalem and recently people have been pointing out that all gemstones named there are anisotropic. I'm not really sure what the significance of that is. Some...
  19. VladtheDestroyer

    The Breath of Life

    I have seen pro-aborts use this argument to try to persuade people that abortion is biblical. That a baby really isn't alive until it takes it's first breath. That alone should be enough to show you that you are wrong. As Right Divider pointed out to you in the other thread; Life is in the...