From what I know, Knight has been on several web building sites. as it seems his interest is internet webs? He does seem good at that.
I mention this because when I need distraction, here I find it, and except of this post, I leave the two apart.
To be honest, the whole issue, for me, is a distraction, not a concern. What I have to face is knowing I am losing much in the market! That is so much more what takes up my thinking. Here I get to be another member, not much more.
I see you as a smart, you have much many here will never have.
I do care about many of the member here, yet doubt I will know them as persons beyond the virtual world.
Distractions are healthy and necessary; however, they are in perspective, of little concern.
It is nice some appreciate me here, and some pick up on the reality I am quite smart. You managed to have a good life, right" there are some who have no much more than here, and to them, my heart goes out and I am happy when they are happy.