Town Heretic
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  • Hey TH, wishing you the best. I won't say anything more here, just know you make TOL a better place by being one who actually walks the walk. Have a great weekend and stay well.
    So glad you're at the point of tying up loose ends now on what you will have made an excellent term. :)

    Regarding the rest: I truly understand that place you're at, friend of mine. I know it well. Do what's best for your wellbeing and peace of mind, and may you find all that and more in the contentment of summer with your family. Sending you on your way with much affection and appreciation, and will pass on your regards to our mutual friends. Take good care, and know that I'm with you in spirit. :)
    Interesting. Thanks. I recall Kurt speaking to of my favorite writers as a teenager and one I retain a sentimental attachment to, for all sorts of peculiar reasons.

    I have a program that I bought to help me organize my writing, the Marshal Plan (no, the other one). If you wanted, you could input certain data and it would tell you about where in your narrative that major and minor plot arcs should occur.

    I ran screaming from it. I'm sure it can be done. An awful lot of music that sells these days was built on algorithms. That's why boy band hits tend to be interchangeable...but there's something organic in the artist that I don't believe can be simulated or should be attempted. So I limped back to Scrivener and Word, thrashing things out between them.

    Oh, some are very picky - going so far as to measure the margins with a ruler... that really was threatened in one of my classes. Forget to change the header text size from 11 to 12 pt.? BAM...

    Overall I like APA better than MLA. I didn't think I would, but the in-text citations (to me) are a lot easier.

    You know what's important to me, as a student? Knowing exactly what the teacher is looking for. Even if it seems picky, if they're clear and upfront you know what to expect and you can plan accordingly. In that one class where I knew my APA would be under a microscope, I have to admit, it made me try harder. But everyone's different, and I can understand where you're coming from. You'll remember all this when it comes time to teach.... and by the way, to what age group are you planning to teach?
    I don't mind writing, but she's made a point of speaking to being picky on the APA styling, which means that can seriously impact your grade even if you know the subject and can clearly communicate the information...I don't care for that or for the uneven weighting of it. I think it creates needless stress and invites the teacher as gate notion.
    Oh, yuck. So basically the entire course is writing. My condolences. :eek:

    As to your previous... since it's all writing anyway, anyone who's doing very well in the course isn't going to falter with the final paper, since it's more a continuation of the same. The reason I asked is if the other 2/3 was all exam points, then someone could very well greatly improve or greatly damage their final score. You're going to excel, as always. :) And I would disagree with you on this part though: "That's not a reflection of facilitating or even about knowledge. It's about a particular skill in format and writing a paper." Writing a paper is how you facilitate the handing-off of knowledge from you to someone else. Your writing skill will of course make that a good hand-off or a bad one - but what you're handing off is what you know. In that sense, from an outside perspective, it does seem to be to be about both facilitating and about knowledge. :)
    Good for you. :) I just finished another 75 min. lecture, will be prepping for a midterm on Tuesday. Fun fun fun. :chuckle:
    That does sound quite a bit different from what happened with Hillary. I think it's really amazing you can ask him a simple and important question, and he just ignores it.
    Yeah, haven't read the whole thread. I think there's a lot of wishful thinking going on in this case, which is kinda RM's usual.
    Maybe now you may understand a little better my reaction to the joke that set us at odds not long ago. :chuckle:
    You're welcome, you made a difference in the lives of a lot of people. That's no small thing, it's something remarkable.
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