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  • Hey, was that you a month or so ago that mentioned something about Les Feldick and Calvinism?
    Here's what I think: if you had two rep points or a million you would be my friend. And that's really the sum of it for me, though I'll give it a try and see. If anything I've written has cause you or any of my sooty friends unease I'm sorry for it, because the more I think about all of that the less it means.

    Now a conversation or two with a friend spent amiably (or better yet, with a chuckle) that's golden. :cheers:
    Thanks. I didn't know that about the old posts, but why would people be going back to old posts to rep them unless a) someone told them they could do it and b) they wanted to inflate numbers?

    Anyway, don't worry about people if they want to take being disgruntled with the system and personalize it. They're missing the point if they do. And I'll like you no matter how high your rep goes. :chuckle:
    I'm so sorry about your fall.
    I hope you're feeling better now.
    That could have turned out much worse.
    Be careful, Sister.

    It rained real good today, cooled off and we got about an inch.
    I hope you get some relief in your area, soon.

    Lord bless! Heal quick!
    I admit Tam, I'm not secure in the Kingdom particulars but, perhaps we could all, learn from each other? You're one of my TOL favs.
    Yeah, I look in everyday.
    It's hot and I'm wet. Just came in to eat a sandwich.

    I heard on the radio last night that's it's reaching 104 F in San Antonio.
    I remember his rep cadre and I think what started us moving from casual agreeability into whatever this is has always been tied up into his obsession with rep numbers and popularity. Ah, well.

    I think the "awards" thread sums up a lot of his problem.
    I'm taking things in stride. Don't worry! Thanks!
    I consider myself semi-retired. I don't intend to quit doing what I do, until I can no longer do it. It's what I like to do.

    moos-tay-ree-on wrote and said he'd be busy doin' other stuff.
    I asked him to check in occasionally. :idunno:
    I woke up at about 5:30 am.
    I worked 'til about 9:00 pm last night.
    Got to work at 7:00 am this morning and just got done with a marathon
    job I've been working on for three days.
    I'm soaking wet from th' heat and just sat down in the recliner.
    Gonna' rest a little and then head back down to the shop to try to do
    another job that's been hangin' around since last week.

    I haven't had the notion to post much lately.
    There's so much shorthand and verse 'A's' and 'B's' lately in the
    threads that I'd be innersted in.

    Moos left. That's disappointing!

    Hope you're doin' good! :)
    The sad thing is, I think for chrys the numbers are a substitute for something...I just think it's interesting...especially in the way it goads and galls people. Curious.
    How is there not a line by me on this whole page? :shocked: It's darn nearly an outrage...and if I know anything lately, it's how an outrage looks. :eek:
    :thumb: Al Green!

    I frequently hear "Let's Stay Together" on The Oldies Station. I love that song and it's one of the better songs that they play.
    I blurt out quite a bit, however in the end I'm left with, "Come Lord Jesus!".
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