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  • Sorry Tam, I am not able to keep a civil tongue with Glorydaz nor with A4T.
    I am not able to turn the other cheek. Therefore I shall withdraw from the women's group. Many blessings to you.
    I'm so sorry for what happened to you, and my heart goes out to you. You've been through fire here, and through it all you've been a strong, courageous woman - and you spoke the truth. I send you my love.

    As for myself, nothing can fix for me what has been said here.
    Theo, I received your request to join the Women's Club.
    Membership is by invitation.
    Your membership request will be posted in the club, and the women will discuss accepting you.
    So hold on.
    It might get all done today, or it might be a little longer.

    Didn't know about the invite. Thank you very much for responding.

    Have a good and godly day!
    Hi Tam, I really wasn't Mod material. I am not indifferent to outright garbage. I fear for this board because of what is allowed by some. My heart is with you. And I shall continue to fight the good fight until Knight bans me outright!
    Obviously Bybee can't stand me, so I'm sure I'll be banned for daring to respond to her insults. Good grief. Power corrupts.... :nono:

    Catch ya later!
    God bless you Sissy. I know you are a fine lady and good friend. My time this winter will be split up and I might be gone at times. then I'll be back again when I am here in Alabama.

    When is Louisiana, my time is used more for playing around with my granddaughter's babies. They are so small and sweet, and there is only so much time when they are at that precious age. Not that all my children aren't precious, they are:)
    Namaste :) - my commentary stands,....we ought to always question our motives and words. Once words go out, you cant take them back. I'm also subject to the same karmic laws,....we reap what we sow....so try to be careful. That's all I'm proposing. Also, if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you'll bear the fruit of that Spirit nature. What is the fruit of the Spirit? (ponder that for yourself) ;)
    Dear Tambora,

    I will NEVER forget this past birthday, in a great part, due to you!! You're the Best!! You're like a little angel on my shoulder. I hope your birthday is as good as mine!!

    Dearest Tambora,

    You really made my Birthday an incredibly sweet one. I will never forget what you did for me. It is so dang thoughtful of you!! You're a TREASURE!!!
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