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  • That's great, congrats on having that done! :cheers: I bet that's quite a relief. :chuckle: With all that free time H&G's cousins are expecting you to take them out on the town. :plain: Have you just been trying to relax with your smaller workload now?

    Things are alright for me. Still very busy at work. I have little energy for anything else right now so I haven't been very active at TOL and I'm still mostly reading fiction at home. Still reading that Ready Player One book, which I'm enjoying. Not sure what non-fiction I will want to dive into next. I'm still slowly working through my WWII book. It's interesting to read about the dynamics of the fall of the British colonial system in Asia during that time period.

    Yes, being busy isn't the worst thing. :chuckle: Hopefully the busyness is productive and things are going well throughout it.

    I've been very busy too. We have a huge project going on at work and that's been consuming the majority of my time. I don't have much energy for much else. :eek: Most of my reading lately has been a fiction book called Ready Player One. It's a fun book. It's about the not so distant future where most people spend most of their time in a virtual reality and the creator of it has embedded secret 'key's in it that will give the victor of the quest ownership over the entire thing. And the 'egg hunt' as it is called is based on 80s culture like movies, video games, etc. I don't remember much of the references but I can relate to some of it.

    What is your topic, if you don't mind my asking?

    I'm doing all right, thanks. School is hard work but going well.
    20,000... that's a lot of words, and yet again not really, if you're passionate about the subject. :) Do you have to defend it as well? Wishing you the best as you tie all the ends together this one last time, and heartfelt congratulations. All that you've worked so hard for is on the horizon. :)

    I'm glad you had a beautiful Easter. It sounds wonderful. The church I've been to in recent years holds about 900 before the standing room onlies on feast days are counted.
    Hi Sela. :)

    I'm kind of in the same boat as you, except in comparison mine's more like a dinghy. :chuckle:

    But I feel pretty overwhelmed at the moment.

    I had a good Easter, I hope you did too, and that things are well with you overall. Thanks for stopping by.
    No, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter are not holidays in the US. Some companies will give their employees off but mine isn't one of them. It's nice that you get such a long break for Easter.

    It's nice your father is visiting. And I think I would like how they ended the service also. Sounds very nice. Use of lighting can be very evocative.

    Agree with you on the zero stuff. I just don't see how he can act like that means there is nothing. Or how some scientists say the primordial quantum flux was somehow 'nothing' that our universe came from. Interesting use of the sin function.

    Thank you. Have a blessed Easter as well. I'm going to my sister's for a lunch on Sunday but nothing besides that. What about you?

    I'll get back to you on the other stuff. Just don't have much energy right now. :eek:

    Thanks Sela, and you also. :)

    You're welcome for the rep comment, but I don't remember exactly what I said, even after reading your comment. :eek: :chuckle:

    One thing I don't think I said but thought about telling you is that you likely don't see the fundamentalism there that you see here, it's a distinctly American thing, very far (at least from what I know) from the (practice of) Christianity of Europe.

    I see the same lack of congruence and it brings me back to the Bad Religion social group that we had a couple years ago. In discussing that book, that's when those concepts started hitting home to me. I'd been so immersed in it both growing up and in my adult life that I hadn't seen it for what it was. It was rather gestalt-shattering.
    No worries. Take your time. School comes first! :D

    There was a guest speaker at church last night which was Lazarus Saturday in the Orthodox church. He talked about how the Western church doesn't put as much emphasis on Lazarus as the Eastern church. It was interesting. He also mentioned a fascinating ritual that some of them do on Lazarus Saturday where there is a large procession of people that walk from one church to another and they are eating bananas along the way. The peeling of the bananas is supposed to be symbolic of Jesus telling them to unbind Lazarus after he came out of the grave. Kinda funny. :chuckle: I forget exactly where that takes place though.

    Also, would you say that there was a change in the Godhead after Christ was resurrected and ascended? That while the Son was always God, after he was resurrected and exalted he had a new role within the Godhead? Namely, ruler over all things at the right hand of God the Father?
    I posted a message earlier and just realized I did it on my own page. :doh: Here it is...

    Have you ever ridden on this ferry? :D

    How are you doing?

    I finished Bauckham's book on Christology. He definitely gave some evidence that I hadn't thought about before. I'm still unsure of what monotheism means in light of Christ's divinity though. I'm going back to re-read his chapter on it. He focuses on a Christology of divine identity but if you start talking about monotheism then I think you have to bring in some talk about divine nature as well.

    That's good. What exactly does spending time at the faculty mean?

    I've been alright. Very busy as well. Got to hang out with my brother last night which was fun. Haven't seen in a while. Threw some darts which I hadn't done in a while so I was worried about how I'd do but I did pretty well. :D I did watch that Bobby Fischer documentary too. Such a sad story, with how his life ended. The details on his early life and chess career were interesting though. I wish they would have done more about that.

    I haven't seen much of the 'Life' series. I want to eventually though. I also very much enjoyed the Blue Planet series which I believe was made by the same people who did Planet Earth. No insects, unfortunately. :chuckle:

    Yes it is fascinating how nature can produce harmonies and music that is pleasant to listen to. I wonder if someone could somehow put certain numbers like Pi or the Golden Ratio to music.

    :think: Sounds interesting. I'm wondering, do you think that eschatology looks different between a theology of the cross context and a theology of glory context? I'm not even sure what difference I think there could be. Just wondering if there's any potential disconnect between placing so much emphasis on suffering and humility starting at the cross and God still achieving final victory. At least in how God achieves it.

    Hope you're having a good week.
    I also bought a couple documentaries today. One is Planet Earth, which I'm sure you've heard of. For years I've been thinking about getting it and I finally did it today. Also picked up a documentary about Bobby Fischer. I believe it covers his chess career along with his later years of being more politically motivated and reclusive. I think it talks some about chess in general as well. Should be interesting.

    That book sounds interesting. I agree that ultimate triumph is important to keep. I'm curious, what does he mean by 'creative' suffering of God?

    :wave2: Hi. Things are going alright. How have you been?
    I'm still reading Bauckham's Christology book and Brothers Karamazov. I've been quite busy lately so haven't been reading much. I also read an interesting article today in the science magazine I get. It was about scientists who are taking data and putting it in audio format so they can analyze it through listening instead of just visually. The two fields mentioned were in astronomy and medicine (determining if cells are cancerous). Putting data to sound is a short step away from putting it to music and the article also mentioned a CD that someone created from data from two starts that are locked in a gravitational relationship. I'm listening to it now. :tunes: Pretty cool. The CD is called X-Ray Hydra if you are interested. It's on iTunes.
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