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  • I let myself get sucked back into a rape thread. :doh:

    How's your week been going?
    Awesome. I hope the final days go well for you. Finish strong!

    :shocked: That's amazing! I don't think I've written that many words in my entire life. :eek:

    I've been alright. Over that cold now which is nice. Pretty busy at work. Trying to get a bunch of stuff done since I'm out a few days this week. Did some Christmas decorating this weekend. :D H&G got a tree that was too tall for my ceiling so they just cut a hold in it. :plain:

    Trying to enjoy the craziness of TOL. I need to stop going into all the rape threads. :doh:

    Hi Sela, I hope everything's going well. I really want to hear how things work out for you with that position. I have your email so I'll drop you a line someday and find out. Thanks for all those good conversations. :)
    I understand what you're saying. I've lost track of how many times I've heard the comment about turning the desert into glass.
    It's the worst I've seen in my 7 years. As the pond dries up, the psychopathy seems to be getting more concentrated.
    You must be tired. I hope it's a rewarding kind of tired, and that you're relaxing with a nice pot of tea - or maybe something stronger. :)

    I'm getting ready to leave right now, but will be back on later in the day and that's when I'll sit down and write to you.

    Enjoy your respite. :)
    I was going to sit down this afternoon and write a reply to you, but I can't find a PM to reply to. Am I all caught up, and I didn't realize it? Or did I accidentally delete the PM I needed to respond to? Could you check your sent box and see what I'm supposed to be doing? :eek:
    You're welcome. And take your time, that way I won't feel so bad about how long it takes me to get my reply written. :)

    Have a good day, Sela.
    I'm so glad for you. :)

    I've just made myself a nice cup of coffee, it's a rainy afternoon in sunny Southern California, and I'm going to get started on that reply.
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