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  • Yeah, I had so much fun sending Jack into the pre-K system reading and writing that I decided to get a Masters in early childhood education and apply what I did with him to a few more kids, hopefully produce another group of children who love the process of learning the way Jack does. Simple as connecting the lessons to fun. Speaking of which, I hope you're having your fair share (with apologies to grammarians everywhere). :D
    Thanks, rc. Just in for a bit over the break in semesters. Pulled down a 4.0 in my first back and got into the pace. It's been a while. Had to acclimate. Won't be here much during school. It was the perfect time to pull back and will be, mostly, for the next couple. Wanted to thank you for the kindness and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. :cheers:
    I meant RM! I noticed it just as it was disappearing.

    Good work, RM!!!
    Hey, RM!

    Interesting discussion on my thread. I just wanted to say I'm enjoying the debate, but no hard feelings. I know we may never agree on this, but I can agree to politely disagree. I've always liked you! :)

    May God bless you my friend.
    PC(USA) is a mainstream denomination that abandoned its confessional basis many years ago. PC(USA) seems to be on its way towards apostacy. The few remaining conservative churches within the PC(USA) are slowly moving into one of the NAPARC groups.

    It is too bad that the media simply reports "The Presbyterian Church" without qualifying the actual particular denomination within Presbyterianism. Those of us in the NAPARC groups have been watching the PC(USA) march towards full blown liberalism for years.
    The truly strange part is that the reason she dogs me now and then has nothing to do with anything I did to her or any heated exchange on a topic. Long ago she had a falling out with a few people. Words were being exchanged. I didn't take part and my "failure" to champion her in a thread I wasn't reading became the cornerstone of an increasingly aggressive negativity aimed in my direction...eventually, after she mocked a POTD Delmar gave me and a sentimental portrait I narrated about TOL I'd had enough and gave her a short shot across the bow. It's darn peculiar though, finding yourself at personal odds with someone for no particular good reason.
    RM...I understand better your closing your thread. My recovery and healing is in the 4th week ow, I am better, still have sore spots, and the bruised kidney and ribs are the slow healers, there be a few more x-rays, but Praise the Lord I'm on the road to a good recovery and healing,

    All the best to you and your family ... Merry Christmas ... Happy New
    R/M...I've noticed several threads have been close lately, due to derailing or some other thoughtless post.
    Sorry, Crucy got just a little too uppity and stupid. Mostly uppity; stupid's his norm. Sorry.
    Okay, figured it out. Look in the Woodshed at GFR reporting his own thread. It's a really funny mistake and I'm not spoiling it for you. :chuckle:
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