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  • Thanks, yes, it's somewhat chaotic around here these days. It's good to be freed from a long burden of care, but it's scary not knowing what comes next.
    Hi PureX. Hope you are doing okay? Lots to attend to after the death of a loved one. Wishing you well.
    I'm sorry to hear about your father, PureX. Best to you, your family, his loved ones.

    I liked what you were saying to me about dealing with doctrinal discrepancies.
    Would you be willing to open a new thread for me, as I am not a subscriber?
    Reply to PureX's fallacious notions cont.

    Universal Education

    1. The historian Will Durant described early Christianity as offering itself "without reservation to all individuals, classes and nations; it was not limited to one people like Judaism."

    2. The most significant move in the direction of universal education occurred with the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. To Luther cultivating the human mind was absolutely essential "because people needed to understand both the word of scripture and the nature of the world in which the word would take root."

    3. Luther wanted both boys and girls to be educated. [note 2 p 177] Luther's goal was for children to be God fearing law abiding citizens who would serve God and society in all stages of life.

    4. John Calvin also advocated universal education. His Geneva plan included "a system of elementary education in the vernacular for all, including reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar and religion, and the establishment of secondary schools for the purpose of training citizens for civil and ecclesiastical leadership."

    5. The examples of Luther and Calvin show that the desire to educate everyone is not the invention of the modern secular world, but rather is the logical outgrowth of two of Christianity's biblical tenets, namely, that God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) and that every individual is responsible for his or her own salvation (John 3:16).

    [Note: The last point "5." shows that Purex's "ultimate authority" the secular state is not the origin of universal and well rounded education. Calvin's Geneva plan included "a system of elementary education in the vernacular for all, including reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar and religion, and the establishment of secondary schools for the purpose of training citizens for civil and ecclesiastical leadership."

    We can do just fine on our own without "big brother" the state PureX! Your "ultimate authority" has actually copied Christianity minus religious education.]

    More to come later this week.
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