Just so you are made aware: I do not entertain "synergism" in any form, and have received much flack for arguing that even the work of sanctification is monergistic. I have come to hate the word "co-operation." AMR and I in particular have had an ongoing disagreement on the subject, so I do not expect or demand that you will agree with me either. 
It is my belief that any and all fruits of regeneration result from the indwelling of the Holy Sprit (Galatians 5:22-23) including all aspects of holy living, and gaining the privilege of prayer. It is His abiding in us, that guarantees our being in Christ to partake of the divine nature and His priestly intercessions that provide us access to the throne of grace. Without The Spirit of Christ we can do nothing. John 15:5
It is my belief that any and all fruits of regeneration result from the indwelling of the Holy Sprit (Galatians 5:22-23) including all aspects of holy living, and gaining the privilege of prayer. It is His abiding in us, that guarantees our being in Christ to partake of the divine nature and His priestly intercessions that provide us access to the throne of grace. Without The Spirit of Christ we can do nothing. John 15:5