Nathon Detroit
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  • Knight...That is much appreciated. Still slow and painful. I hope you know that TOL means very much to us (Violet and I) and once it's figured out the damage and healing process I'll be back with wit, wisdom, and encouragement.
    Dear Knight,

    I just now saw that you welcomed me for becoming a Lifetime Member. This is the first time I've seen it. Well, thank you VERY MUCH!!! I feel like it was a good decision, indeed. And no more monthly payments! God Bless Your Heart!!!
    Dear Knight,
    Hey Buddy! I left you a message, but it only took place on my message site for MichaelC. I hope you know what I mean. Freelight says it's because I didn't click View Conversation when I did it. Anyway, there is a message for you on my site for visitor messages from about Oct. 23rd or so. Just thought I'd mention it. This time, I sent this message the right way. I'm still learning!!
    Hope your Thanksgiving was excellent!!!
    Odd, but every now and then I get a redirect telling me there's a "security token" problem. This bit:

    vBulletin Message
    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

    If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
    I was only navigating as per usual, so I have no idea why it happened, but it happened three times today. :idunno:
    Had a longer discussion with IMJ about her (and chrys) support of the republican party, among other things. I thought you'd appreciate and agree with at least this much of it.
    ...Yes, I see that now. It's not about the planks but the whole platform. If we build our houses on sand they will fall. We should build our homes on more solid foundations. There are two platforms to choose from, not individuals....platforms/foundations. Christians need to choose the political platform that best resides in the Truth.
    A platform is just a series of planks and they don't really build anything. So the Republican party can throw in an anti abortion plank, but as long as they don't actually put a nail in it it's just part of a pile of lumber someone is trying to sell you as a house.
    gonna burn my account again - school's getting too demanding. thanks for all the opportunity to have fun! see ya in the funny papers! :wave2:
    Have a question. What would cause a member to show having made 4 posts but only 2 posts are showing? I don't know if I'm explaining it right but a new member's statistics state they have made 4 posts. So when I checked out their posts to get an idea of their stance, only 2 posts come up. What would cause that? Where are the other 2 posts?
    As far as I remember, I don't think I ever got that sort of error before. I heard you moved to a new server recently, maybe it is related to some server configuration? You could probably open a support ticket with the hosting provider.
    Hey Knight,
    While browsing the forums I often get a "Database error" (I am viewing the active threads most of the time). Has it happened to you?

    Just wanted to give you a heads up.
    Sure thing :)

    I see, I'll give it to someone else then. I'll add his when he gets back.
    Phew, sent a bronze for Spitfire and was going to send one for Stuu as well but saw he was banned. I'll hold it out for him or is it permanent?
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