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  • :) thanks. That's a good looking rabbit. Hope everything is going well w/you.
    :-| May 6th, 2014 08:51 AM mmstroud Apparently you're only willing to talk to anyone who doesn't make you 'think'...
    Seems I called you last? And haven't received even a text to hint at times? I'm not sure what you got here, nor how to deal with it...

    BUT it is true, I can make these comments while I'm at work between calls.

    YOU present things I need to set aside time to handle. And I've done a poor job at that.

    but, in my defense, I have some stories I should give time to, that I think will make me money, and I don't manage to make time for them either...
    We had to go 'down the hill' today (High Desert speak for going down the Cajon Pass to civilization :chuckle: ) and the wind blew me all over the road. Hey, do you think it was the collective cry of anguish and despair of the Dems over the loss of a seat that should have been theirs by 30 points that caused all that wind? :think:
    Yeah, if I want to watch the news I have to make sure to do it before my siblings get here. We don't exactly agree, if you know what I mean! Good grief! Don't tell my husband he has options! He'd be happy to get the heck outta the way! :chuckle: God bless you, friend.
    Thanks Cam. Hope all is well with you, too. Do you have Easter plans? We're going to attend a Maundy Thursday service at our church. We missed it last year because we didn't know there was such a service! :D
    Hi Pam, It was warm yesterday (if you call 46 degrees warm!) and boy, does it go quick! Still a bit on the north facing areas, but mostly gone. I'm sure it's on its way to you!
    Not exactly - I think we have the cart before the horse and need to talk about something else first. I'll try to put my thoughts together and post soon...
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