I did... :chuckle:
Don't worry, I'll probably forget I offered. :chuckle:
Don't you love those crazy coincidences? I do. They happen to me a lot and I always enjoy them.
I haven't been able to make any break stick yet, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. Sooner or later, success is possible.
And thanks, that's sweet of you.
Re: work, you can so handle the responsibility and leadership part of it, kmo. Absolutely.
But a lot of work is a lot of work, and moving that far away is a big thing. Even though I think you'd love it here, the west coast isn't for everyone, and leaving family and friends behind is a huge consideration.
Although I tend toward the minimal anyway (elegant simplicity? Simple elegance? :chuckle
I definitely decorated more when I was happier. There's a clear correlation. 
Don't worry, I'll probably forget I offered. :chuckle:
Don't you love those crazy coincidences? I do. They happen to me a lot and I always enjoy them.
I haven't been able to make any break stick yet, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. Sooner or later, success is possible.
Re: work, you can so handle the responsibility and leadership part of it, kmo. Absolutely.
Although I tend toward the minimal anyway (elegant simplicity? Simple elegance? :chuckle