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  • Maybe I could give you some helpful tips when you're ready, though you should know I choose wine based on how attractive the label is. :eek:
    Jenson is making no apologies for approaching it from a Christian theological point of view, that is for sure: chuckle: The man on the throne in Ezekiel's vision is none other than Jesus Christ himself. A full on trinitarian reading already. That is of course consonant with his theology, that the glory of God (kabod Yaweh) and the Shekinah presence of God in Israel's history is none other than the second person of the trinity, the image/word of God that is identical yet not the same as the Father.

    I kind of like that he just does it, even though from a historical-critical point of view of the text it is not possible, and of course he knows that better than most. But as for a Christian theological commentary, he is right I think. There can't be another reading without it falling into something that is dangerously close to a pagan primitive depiction of God that we have no idea what to do with theologically.

    I will try to comment on that PM when I get some more time.

    Chose it primarily because it was written by Robert W. Jenson :chuckle: However, Ezekiel is an interesting book, very rich in imagery. Was curious what a theologian like Jenson could do with a theological reading of it. There is no volume on Isaiah and Jeremiah yet, those will probably be great considering how important they are for Christian theology. As Jenson says in his systematic, Isaiah basically IS the soteriology of the primitive Christian church.

    Other than that, I quite enjoy the minor prophets. Especially Amos and Zechariah, Amos for the strong focus on social justice (would love to hear a Brueggemann lecture on that book) and Zechariah for the apocalyptic visions.

    Gotten any further in Jenson?

    :chuckle: Which ones?

    I actually express ordered a book from Amazon, got it today. Had to test the express delivery speed, it was impressive :eek:

    It was Robert W. Jenson's commentary on Ezekiel in the Brazos theological commentary series. Will be fun to read his theological commentary, as opposed to a historical-critical one, of an Old testament prophet.

    I actually used a bit inspired by Brueggemann today. Writing my sermon for sunday. The text is the bread of life text from John 6 and the rememberance of the Manna in the desert from Deutoronomy 5. So I contrasted how the world/pharao disitributes goods with God's way in the desert and in the eucharist table.
    Bit busy, but enjoyable as well :)

    Receiving children for baptism and wedding people is inspiring.

    Mostly seen his lectures on youtube. There is also a recent interview with him on Homebrewed Christianity.

    I'm ready for spring as well. Quite tired of the winter now :chuckle: At least it is getting brighter outside.

    Hope you have recovered from the cold.

    Let me know what you think about Jenson as you get further into it.

    I'm good. This week I got the entire spectrum of human life: Funeral, wedding and baptism :chuckle:

    Haven't had too much time to read more Pannenberg this week, Im about 100 pages in.

    Been listening to quite a bit of Walter Brueggemann while traveling back and forth to work. I love his lectures and sermons on the prophets.

    How are you?

    Hi kmo. The closest thing to a homepage is going to the forum link and then scrolling down. Underneath all the listed forums you'll see "Currently Active Users," and that's where you'll see all the members who are online. It doesn't show who was here the last 24 hours, which I always looked at, I could tell at a glance who'd gotten banned that day because even if they weren't online they'd show up red in the 24 hour visitor list. :chuckle:

    I'm getting around okay, but I can't say I like it because I don't. I feel a sense of rupture that I can't get past. It's not based on my ability to navigate, it's a sense. A feeling. Hard to explain so I'm not going to try. Anyway, I'm going to be taking a break, don't know when I'll be back. Of course you've never heard that before :eek: but I may surprise you this time.

    I hope you feel better soon, and hope your work situation/stress isn't too bad, or more than you can handle. Take good care of yourself, friend of mine.
    I know - go to Oregon - and take your family with you. My sister moved to WA almost ten years ago now, and most of her family eventually moved up there too. They're all very happy there. :)
    I see that my fascination for insects is catching on. :chuckle: Insect super societies are quite interesting.

    Started Jesus -God and Man by Pannenberg by the way :)

    What's up with all of the apparent outrage and controversy that my "racism" has stirred up? Are people surprised by any of this? I assumed this was all common knowledge. What's your general take on this? :confused:
    Good, I always told my boys not to worry until they knew they had something to worry about. :)

    You know, if you're able to make the move away from family (hard for a lot of people to do, understandably), you'd probably fall in love with the West Coast and never move back. I'm not exaggerating either. :)

    :chuckle: You know darn well I'm not usually using that time to study. :eek:
    I haven't actually played the game; I just watched Pewdiepie and Jacksepticeye (my favorite youtubers) play it.

    Though I can understand how you think I would choose the genocidal route, Herr Kmoney. Viel gute, viel gute...:plain:

    Base mom (as Jacksepticeye and pewdiepie call her) and Sans are my favorite characters.

    Speaking of genocide, have you seen the white power thread(s)?
    You have the option. You can play through the entire game without attacking anyone. Every time you kill someone, you get EXP (execution points), and whenever you get enough exp, you increase in LV (LOVE...i.e., Level of Violence). There's three basic endings: pacifist, neutral and genocide.

    The characters are incredibly well written and the dialogue is just outright touching much of the time. If you do the genocide run, you end up feeling like a complete jerk. :noid:

    Also, Kmoney, have you abandoned our conversation? :p
    Back to your previous message... :eek:

    I'm sorry about the work situation. That's a really tough situation for all involved, you, your co-workers, especially the one getting screwed over. That must be very stressful, and hard to go to work in the morning, so I'm glad you have a 3-day weekend. Maybe try not to think about it until you have to.

    Thanks, yes - I'm enjoying school a lot. I feel very fortunate, all tiredness included. :)
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