Recent content by Idolater

  1. Idolater

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    Sure, but I was only agreeing with your point about the first sin not coming from man's brokenness. The first sin broke him.
  2. Idolater

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    And @Clete said the fruit is faith, so I guess I was wrong about it not being partisan and controversial lol.
  3. Idolater

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    "and arranged to have him asked 3 times" was the rest of the post I was responding to.
  4. Idolater


    With the Biden administration coming to its end, the Europeans are no longer able to just sit on their hands: This quote is from June 2022—sound familiar? President Trump's not having any or that, he just wants a truce, a ceasefire, a peace deal. And he's not a sucker. The deal will be a...
  5. Idolater

    Different Stuff

    It was provocative, for sure. Millennials are the ones who turned us back toward being anti-abortion as a country, 'got to give the devil his due. I mean they made it fall back into the Overton window again.
  6. Idolater

    Uh oh, Canada :(

    Canada would be the most populous state by a smidge, if population data I've seen is accurate (they have a little bit more than California), so they'd get their two Senators plus a ton of Congressmen in Washington, and Ottawa would remain their seat of government. We can't really offer full...
  7. Idolater

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    It was prompted literally by a possessed by a demon (the original demon) serpent. It's the first time in the Bible demons are seen capable of possessing an animal, but not the last.
  8. Idolater

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    All makes sense until you sin (I would say especially sin gravely, but I'm a standard Roman Catholic so that might be unnecessarily obfuscating) especially seriously, like adultery or something. Do you think an adulterer, a habitual adulterer, could be a regenerated Christian? I mean as a...
  9. Idolater

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    How are we to determine what is and what is not good fruit? Is or isn't that supposed to be objective, or is it subjective? I think it's supposed to be objective, and plus fairly obv too. Like you say a fig, like @Lon says an apple. obv. No controversy. So I guess this figure if we're...
  10. Idolater

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    They make great cider. Better than palatable apples actually, because palatable apples have too much natural sugar in them, crab apples make a nicer cider.
  11. Idolater

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    What's the difference. This is what I've been trying to say all along, and I mean, since like 2003. Ask Sozo.
  12. Idolater

    Maunday Thursday

    So 15 Nisan being the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread and happening also to be a Sabbath is like two days in one.
  13. Idolater

    100 Essential Books for the Discerning Mind

    What would you recommend for left-wing counterbalance?
  14. Idolater

    Maunday Thursday

    15 Nisan along with it being the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread is also a Sabbath, because it fell on a Saturday. So it's like two holidays, the standard weekly holiday of the Sabbath, and now also, because it's 15 Nisan (and 15 Nisan can fall on any day of the week unlike the...
  15. Idolater

    Seth Moulton

    Another aspiring Democrat has fallen.