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  1. Idolater

    The Joys of Catholicism

    Only in your mind, because you broke apart the sentence. It was a complete thought, the sentence. Cite? Literally all the Apostles and all the bishops /elders /overseers /presbyters at the Acts 15 Council agreed. Depends a ton on whether you can demonstrate any Apostle teaching circumcision.
  2. Idolater

    The Joys of Catholicism

    Yeah but not traditions originating with the Apostles. Yes they are. We don't have any reason to think otherwise. If the Apostles taught it, it's canonical Christianity.
  3. Idolater

    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 7

    They are even more like animals than we originally thought. Yay?
  4. Idolater


    Your EDC includes four spare mags? Wow. Two better than me.
  5. Idolater


    A .50 caliber carbine and two human carbines.
  6. Idolater

    Peter and Paul

    But which law in particular? Is there a law which says descendants of Abraham and Jacob can't eat with Gentiles? Is that the law to which Peter reverted, or was it the type of food he was agreeing to eat wasn't kosher?
  7. Idolater

    Israel (the modern country)

    Hamas should surrender unconditionally and the whole rest of Gaza should betray Hamas, whoever does it first wins.
  8. Idolater

    Peter and Paul

    The New Covenant amended the Old Covenant, in the sense of fulfilling it, and not abolishing it. (And surely no jot nor tittle is missing from the Old Covenant, every single full Christian Bible has a complete copy of the Old Covenant in it, to this day!)
  9. Idolater

    Peter and Paul

    @Derf The JW's unironic translation of that passage: “ 28 Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son. 29 I know that after my going away...
  10. Idolater

    Occasional-ism “a non-Deistic understanding of the World”

    Picking up where this relevant post left off from a now-closed thread on another controversial theory: “Why are heavy things heavy things, ultimately? in a non-Deistic...
  11. Idolater

    Happy to be here

    We'll figure out who you are soon enough "False Moniker." (I mean could you be any more obvious lol?) We'll get you.
  12. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    This is a "call-out thread" which is against the rules. Let's see if @1Mind1Spirit weighs in on whether it's on topic or not. Until then I'll try to just stay away.
  13. Idolater

    Faith of Jesus

    Oh I know EKKLESIA is all over the Septuagint, don't get me started on that. It as a noun means gathered group of people, and as a verb it means gathering. That's the Greek word which is translated Church, such as in Colossians 1:18 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. 18 και αυτος...
  14. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    It's in the Controversial Theories forum. This is a controversial theory. It's certainly following up on even why there's a thread here to begin with, because you all think @1Mind1Spirit is off his rocker, which, he does literally call himself a literal lunatic, so it's not an off-base...
  15. Idolater

    Faith of Jesus

    The earliest Church lived and died on the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible which was translated a couple hundred years before Christ and the Apostles, it's quoted all the time in the New Testament ---- whoops I forgot the N.T. is irredeemably corrupt according to your theory...
  16. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    Yeah, and atoms emit light /photons at distinctive wavelengths when they're undergoing quantum jumps from one electron orbital down to an orbital with a lower energy level. Those wavelengths are like fingerprints. But why? Because of a law of gravity and gravitation? Or because God's pulling...
  17. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    We're right on topic. You were trying to defend the Deist position that physical, natural or scientific laws are immutable. I'm saying the evidence is surprising on that view. The evidence is unsurprising if God is actively acting in the World at all times. He just does it in a generally...
  18. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    You provide evidence rather that you even understand why dark energy is even required, why is it proposed? What is being observed which doesn't make any sense at all unless the Universe is literally made up of like 3/4 dark or hidden energy? Prove that you understand just the fundamental...
  19. Idolater

    Lifting thread

    Ugh. Terrible. Tough luck. Sorry. You did what you could anyway, didn't leave any money on the table. So it sounds like it's your hand /arm? Does it impede squats? With deadlift straps (I use them and I don't have a grip injury) could you still deadlift? Does it affect pushing or...
  20. Idolater

    Air weighs more than nothing

    No that is not the Big Bang model, that is the dark energy model. It's independent of the Big Bang. It's as if stars and galaxies are all rocket propelled because they're not only not in stable orbits or even diverging as if they have constant momentum, their momentum is increasing. That's...