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  • thank you! I was born 11-21-41
    Can you believe Nang is older than me by a year? She acts like a sulking child.
    I could certainly admit to that, yes. I just don't agree with the ways some people here approach the subject, and I'll say so even though it gets the reaction from some that it always does.

    Otherwise, will be thinking of you as we move through the week, and as always, the fact that we disagree on a fair amount of things doesn't change that I really do care about you.
    Nang fired an arrow, but john w responded with a nuclear missile. Delmar's action exhibited the wisdom of Solomon in this case. Delmar is quite level-headed. That said, Nang should know by now how pushing certain buttons will set off certain members. Accordingly, poking the bear, as it were, should not be a matter of surprise afterwards. Unfortunately sometimes whatever pops into our noggins often ends up on the record at our own expense. Blessed is the person who thinks twice and speaks once. ;)
    I understand and my heart goes out to you. I'm here for you if I can help you in any way at all, Angel. Sending much love. <3
    I appreciate your support. True, they do indeed. :nono:
    Thank YOU for caring about this information.
    Very best wishes;
    You are one person who sees the truth.
    Thanks as ever,
    Gianfranco :e4e:
    time to remember I am blessed by a sharp sister,
    and thank the Lord in an untimely manner! ha ha

    and season's greetings!!!
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